Adding an Individual's Relationship to an Organization using eWeb
Individuals with Organization Management rights will have the ability to assign relationships to individuals in their organization, assign relationships to new individuals, as well as edit those relationships while in eWeb.
Note: The functionality described below will not be available without Organization Management enabled.
Adding Organization Relationships to Individuals
Relationships to an organization can be added to individuals when they are first created, or they can be added once they are in the system.
Adding an Organization Relationship to a New Individual
To add relationships to individuals you are adding to your organization in eWeb, complete the following steps:
- Log-in to the eWeb site.
- Click on the My Information link located in the left navigation bar to display your information.
- Click the hyperlinked name of your organization listed in the Organization Information of your My Information page. This will open the Organization Information page.
- Click the Manage Org Individuals link located near the top of the Organization Information page. This will open the Organization Individual Search page. From this page you can add a new individual, edit existing individuals, or search for individuals within your organization.
- Click the Add Individual link located near the top of the Organization Individual Search page.
- Complete the fields required to add a new individual to your organization. You may complete as many non-required fields as needed by your organization including name, address, phone, and social media handles if desired.
- Select the appropriate relationship for this individual from the Relationship drop-down menu.
- Enter the date this relationship started (or is to start) in the Relationship Start Date field.
- Enter a relationship title in the Relationship Title field if desired.
- Click the Save button. The individual will now be added to your organization with the relationship specified.
Note: If you do not enter the Relationship Title at this time, you will not be able to edit this field once the record is saved.
When the new individual is saved, their eWeb profile will be displayed including the relationship you just specified.
Tip: In order for a relationship to display in the Relationship drop-down menu on eWeb and be available for selection, it must first be enabled to Show Online in eWeb in the Individual to Organization CRM drop-down list setup.
Adding an Organization Relationship to an Existing Individual
You are not limited to setting relationships to new individuals added to your organization. You are also able to add relationships to existing individuals within your organization.
To add a relationship to an existing individual within your organization, complete the following steps:
- Login to your eWeb site.
- Click on the My Information link located in the left navigation bar to display your information.
- Click the hyperlinked name of your organization listed in the Organization Information of your My Information page. This will open the Organization Information page.
- Click the Manage Org Individuals link located near the top of the Organization Information page.
- After conducting your search by clicking the Search button, or browsing the default list(s), click on the hyperlinked name of the individual you wish to add a relationship to. This will take you to the Individual Information page for that person.
- Click the Add New Relationship link located near the bottom of the profile page. This will open the New Relationship page.
- Select the relationship to the organization for this individual from the Relationship drop-down menu.
- If applicable, enter the title for the new relationship in the Title field. Remember, if you don’t add this title now, you will not be able to come back in later and add one.
- Enter the date this relationship is to begin in the Start Date field. Relationships with no start date are not seen as active and will not display in eWeb.
- Enter the date this relationship is to end in the End Date field. Setting an End Date will cause the relationship to stop displaying in eWeb after that date passes.
This will open the Organization Individual Search page. From this page you can add a new individual, edit existing individuals, or search for an individual within your organization to add a relationship to.
You may either search for individuals that meet certain criteria by using the Individual’s Search feature, or you can choose them from the Search Results / Request Individual Removal list that displays individuals who have this organization as their primary organization by default. Individuals that already have some relationship/role with the organization are also displayed in the Search Results / Related Individuals table. You may edit that relationship if you choose by clicking on the individual(s) displayed.
- Click the Save Information button. The individual’s profile will update with the new relationship displayed.