Selecting the Recipient Type or Mailing List
Messaging Job Setup Wizard - Step 1
Note: If you are using the Informz Integration with netFORUM, the Messaging Job Setup Wizard will have a slightly different look and feel. Further, not all steps will be available since some functions are handled by Informz. For more information, view Using Informz for eMarketing.
There are two kinds of recipient lists you can use with the Messaging Job Setup Wizard: one is dynamic and is created by using queries to pull real-time data at runtime. The other recipient list is a static Mailing List that was either created manually by adding individuals to the mailing list one at a time, or created from a list of search results (e.g., list of committee members, list of individuals by type, list of organizations by state, etc.)
Note: The Opt Out functionality works when you run a query to create the recipient list from within the Messaging Jog Setup Wizard. It does not work with static Mailing Lists.
The static Mailing List is stored in the database as an independent list and can be used with the Messaging Wizard by selecting Mailing List from the Recipient Type filter list and then selecting the Mailing List Name from the Mailing List drop-down list.