Setting Up Booth Categories
The Booth Category displays as an option in a drop-down list when you add booth inventory from the Exhibit Show Profile. Booth Category can be used to indicate whether the booth is a corner booth (exhibit space with exposure on at least two aisles, end cap (exhibit space with aisles on three sides), or other definition.
To set up a booth category:
- Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Exhibits.
- On the Exhibits / Overview screen, locate the Managing Your Exhibit-Related Information section. Click Setup.
- On the Exhibit Information page, click the Booth tab.
- Expand the Category child form by clicking the expand
- In the Category child form, click the Add
- The Booth Category Information form will appear in a pop-up window.
- Enter the Booth Category (required).
- Enter booth type Notes.
- Click Save . The new Booth Category will appear under the Booth tab, Category child form.