Purchasing a Fund through the Online Store
Making a contribution to a Fund through the eWeb Online Store is similar to Purchasing a Fund through iWeb. Note that your customer must have an account and be logged in to complete an Online Store purchase. Additional methods exist for contributions outside of the Online Store for those prospects that desire to make a donation that do not have an account. View the topic on Enabling a Fundraising Link through the Web Site Wizard for more information.
Tip: Use a Donate Now hyperlink (outside of the Online Store) when you do not want to require a log-in from the user or want to provide a hyperlink to a specific Fund in your messaging. Use the Online Store donation process when you want to require a log-in or solicit donations with your membership sales/renewals, event registrations and so forth. Both may now prompt the user to designate the donation’s Purpose if desired.
To purchase a Fund on eWeb through the Online Store, customers should complete the following steps:
- After logging-in to eWeb, click Online Store in the left navigation bar.
- In the Shop-For drop-down field, select Donation/Fund and click the Go button.
- Click the name of the Fund to contribute to. Note that Member and Non-Member prices are present, if applicable. These are set-up through price controls described in Adding a Price to a Fund. Fund prices will reflect the currency type selected by your organization for your netFORUM entity.
Notice in the image below that the Fund Amount to be donated may be edited if installments have been set up. This will specify how the installment payments will be made. Otherwise, if installment payments have not been set up for this Fund, he/she will be able to modify the Fund.
- The Select the Purpose drop-down, seen below, may be used to specify the purpose of the donation. For more information on how to set-up various Purposes to be used with Funds, view the online help topic, Linking a Purpose to a Fund.
- If the Fund was set-up with the Collect in Honor Of or the Collect in Memory Of checkbox(es) selected, an individual's name may be entered in the In Honor Of or In Memory Of fields.
- Click the Add to Cart button to continue through the Check Out process.
- The Donation will display on the customer record on the My Transactions page. If installment billing has been arranged, an order for the entire installment will be created with the Installment balance noted (if applicable).