Requesting a Donation with Membership Purchases in the Online Store
Every time a new customer purchases a membership, the Donations drop-down will be available so that he/she may make a donation if desired. Only donations where you have entered suggested amounts in the Suggested Amounts field (either on the Fund Profile or through the Fundraising Setup Wizard) will be available in this drop-down field. Note: A drop-down is present only if multiple funds are available with suggested amounts available otherwise your one donation will simply be present with the suggested amounts you have defined.
Notice that the amounts you set-up in the Suggested Amounts field for the fund are now available in Shopping as radio buttons that the customer may select when purchasing a membership (both iWeb and eWeb).
Also notice that the Description used when you set-up your fund is what appears to the right of the Donation selection in the Donations drop-down.
In addition to selecting a Suggested Amount, a customer may choose to enter an Other amount as seen in the image above. However, only one or the other may be used; in other words, if a radio button is selected, the Other field will clear and vice versa.
During Check Out, the Donation will be a line item along with the Membership purchases. Note that you may edit the Quantity field in the Shopping Cart before you Check Out or remove the donation entirely by clicking the Delete (Red X) icon.
You may also click the Donation Name itself if you want to change the Donation Amount. This allows you to edit the Amount field and will update your Shopping Cart accordingly with the edited amount when you click the Add to Cart hyperlink.
Tip: The Suggested Amount functionality for a Fund was created in mind for quick use and collection of funds. As a result, demographics have been largely left out. To add demographics, they may be used on this screen, once a customer clicks to modify the amount. To notify customers they need to add demographics by clicking the Fund Name, you would need to add custom text in the Website Editor. It is strongly encouraged that you utilize Suggested Amounts for the intent in which they were created to maximize their potential by not using demographics in this case, however.
Once payment is made, the customer’s invoice will detail the donation as a separate line item as well. This is seen in the image below.
If no invoice is created and Bill Me is selected, My Transaction Details for the open order will demonstrate the membership purchase and the donation.
Tip: Keep in mind that because this is an open order, the customer has not fully committed or purchased the donation at this time. Therefore, when payment for the open order is processed (either through iWeb or eWeb) the Suggested Amounts for the Fund will be accessible again for final commitment. This is discussed in more detail in the next section, Requesting a Donation when Paying an Open Order.
Finally, in iWeb, donations may be viewed by accessing the Individual Profile > Purchases Tab > Donations Purchased child form.