Find Report

Use Find Report to search for reports in netFORUM.

To find a report:

  1. In the Admin module, expand the Report Setup group item and click Find Report.

    The Find - Report screen displays with the following search options:

    Field Name Description
    Report Name Name of the report.
    RDL File Name The name of the RDL file that is deployed to the Reporting Services server.
    RDL Path This is the path of where the Reporting Services RDL is stored. This is offset from the Report Manager folder designated as the root folder for this site in the RSRootClientReportFolder system option.
    Report Object Choose the Object associated with this report. If your report parameters use any parsed values that are defaulted, then these parsed values must exist as controls of that object. (See Report Parameters for more information on this.) If in doubt as to whether that control exists, navigate to the object in the Toolkit module, and click list controls for this object to see which controls belong to that object.
    Add Date Date the report was added to the Reporting Services server.
    Run Report From A check mark indicate that the report can be run from either the Reports Central/Form Link or Query/Find/List Results Page.
    Report Key A key unique to the report.
    Dashboard? A report can be a dashboard report.
  2. Tips:  
    • For a more specific search, click the Advanced View check box. Expanded search options appear for each search criteria field. Use these search options to narrow your search results further.
    • The more specific you make search criteria, the narrower the results returned will be. A search for reports beginning with 'F' returns more results than a search for reports beginning with 'Fundraising'.
    • If you are not sure what you are looking for, use the netFORUM wildcard character, the percent sign (%), to help you with your search. This is especially helpful when used in conjunction with the contains option on the Report Name field in Advanced View.
  3. Click Go. A list of reports displays in the List - Report page.
  4. Note: If only one report comes of the search, the Edit - Report page for that report opens.