Product Bundles

When you create a Package in netFORUM , you are somewhat limited by baseline functionality in that you are unable to set price attributes for each product in the package for both members and non-members. You are only able to specify the price per item for each product in your package. Using a product Bundle gives you all the functionality of a package and enables you to also specify those price control attributes per item in the bundle should you desire. Products within each bundle can also be discounted. Any product that can be sold through Centralized Order Entry can be bundled. Further, bundles can then be added to a Kit.

Bundle Products are on the Group Item Overflow Menu. To display current bundles, click the Bundles icon on the Inventory Module overview. The List — Bundle Product page will display.

Adding a Bundle

To add a new Bundle to netFORUM , your first step is to name and describe the Bundle you will be creating. Note that fields in bold in netFORUM are required fields. You will not be able to save your Bundle until these fields are complete.

To add a new Bundle to netFORUM , follow these steps:

  1. Select the Inventory tab.
  2. On the Group Item Overflow Menu, click Bundle Product.
  3. Select Add Bundle from the drop-down menu. The Add Bundle Product page displays.

    The complete steps on adding a new bundle are described on the Adding a Bundle Product topic.

    Finding Bundle Records

    Finding a Bundle that has been entered into the netFORUM database is easily accomplished. The Find function is universal throughout netFORUM and detailed on the Find topic.

    Finding records within the Inventory module follows the same format and function. You may search by the following:

    • Product Name
    • Product Code
    • Start Date

    The Advanced View checkbox allows you to conduct Boolean searches to broaden and narrow your search as needed.

    Navigating to the Bundle Profile

    The Bundle Profile is displayed once you have entered a new Bundle into the netFORUM application. If you want to navigate to and view a specific profile page:

    • Click on the Inventory module from the Module Menu drop-down.
    • On the Group Item Overflow Menu, click Bundle Products. You can then choose to List Bundle or to Find Bundle.
    • You can also choose to click on the Bundles icon from the Inventory content group page.

    Depending upon which Bundle you choose, its Bundle Profile will display.

    Bundle Profile

    The Bundle Profile shows the bundle code, business unit, bundle name, and bundle description. Also included on the profile are invoice specifics such as whether or not you want to include the products you choose for your bundle to be itemized on your invoice. If you do not want your items to be displayed on the invoice, click the suppress products on invoice checkbox. The same is true of the hide prices on invoice checkbox. If you would prefer that the prices you select for your products not be shown, select this checkbox. Finally, if your product is to be shown online, select this checkbox (note that all products components of the bundle must also be made available for sale online in order to sell the bundle through the Online Store in eWeb). The Edit button is available if you need to make any changes to your Bundle.

    There is one tab available on the Bundle Profile, the Bundle Products tab. The Bundle Products tab contains one child form, the components child form, that allows you to view and manipulate the components you have selected for this Bundle. This is discussed in more detail below.

    Bundle Products Tab

    Components Child Form

    The Bundle Products tab on the Bundle Profile contains one child form that you are able to manipulate; the components child form displayed below.

    Now that you have created your Bundle, this child form enables you to add view or add more products to your Bundle. For example, in the screenshot above the OLB business unit has decided to offer a membership, attendance at the 2010 conference and an Avectra pen for sale in this bundle. To add products to a Bundle, click the Add Record button. The Add Bundle dialogue box displays as pictured below.

    When adding a new product to your Bundle, choosing the Product Type in the drop-down and then the subsequent product name are required. Start date and end date refer to pricing controls if you choose to make this product available for the discount you specify - if you specify one - for the dates you enter.

    In the Bundle Quantity and Discount section, you must decide how many of the product you want to include in this Bundle and if you want to offer them at the price they normally sell for or if you want to discount them. Notice in the screenshot above that when you first add your product to your Bundle it is entered for the price it normally sells for. In other words, the price you set when you enter the product into inventory. You have three discounting options available to you when you enter products into Bundles:

    • Discount Amount - An amount you want to take off the base price of the bundle
    • Percentage - A percentage you want to take off the base price of the Bundle
    • Flat-rate - A flat rate you want to sell the Bundle for instead of its original price.

    When you enter an amount in one of the boxes, the other two boxes will disappear and only the discount you have selected will remain as displayed in the screenshot below. You can see that a discount of 10% has been selected. If you want to sell the product for its original amount, leave all boxes blank and click the Save button to save the product into your Bundle.

    Ordering a Bundle Through Centralized Order Entry

    Once your Bundle has been set-up within netFORUM , you may begin to sell it on your Website through the Online Store in eWeb or use the Centralized Order Entry (COE) process in netFORUM to sell Bundles yourself to individual customers.

    This process is described in detail on the Selling a Bundle Product page. Once you have completed your sale, review the Invoicing a Bundle page to complete your sale.

    Technical Information

    • COEBundles system option. Default is true. Ensure value is true in order to sell bundles in COE.
    • BundleProductTypeGuid - system option. This option should never be changed.