About Group Items

Group Items display as tabs in the left navigation menu. They divide a Content Group (module) into functional sectors. Clicking a Group Item tab will expand a menu of Group Item Links that access forms, searches, and other links that are specific to the Content Group and Group Item in which your user is working.

Group Items for less frequently accessed sectors within a Content Group might not display as a separate tab in the left navigation menu. Instead, the Find Group Item Link for these Group Items will be listed under the More tab. See About Advanced Find Links for more information.

Hidden Group Items

Group Items that do not display are hidden group items Content Group child forms. To hide a Group Item, the No Display flags for both the Group Item and for the Find Group Item Link must be checked.

If the No Display flag for the Find Group Item Link is not checked, then it is a Advanced Find Link and the Group Item is not hidden.

Data Mapping

Group Items are Content Group children. Group Item records are stored in the cm_group_item table.