About Listing Specific Records

Add and Edit Group Item Link Forms

Find Group Item Link Form

Group Item Link Procedures

Group Item Link Profile Page

Frequently Asked Questions

About Group Item Links

Group Item Links are navigation links within Group Items and are managed in the Toolkit module. They direct your users to Find and Add forms, Query Tool, Overview and List pages, Query Central, Report Central, Wizards, and Dashboards throughout netFORUM. Most Group Item Links in baseline netFORUM are listed in the left navigation menu for a Content Group (module), below a Group Item tab.

Standard Group Item Links

The Find, Add, List, Query, and Query Central. Group Item Links are standard within each Group Item. In most cases, Abila created a Group Item and these five standard Group Item Links for every netFORUM Object.

  • A Find Group Item Links opens a Find form for a specific Group Item that your users use to locate specific records. Advanced Find Links are Find Group Item Links for less frequently used sectors within a Content Group and they can be found by expanding the More tab in the left navigation menu.
  • An Add Group Item Link opens an Add form to enable your users to add records that are specific to the Group Item.
  • A List Group Item Link generates and opens a List page to display existing records for a specific Group Item. Use a List Group Item Link to generate and open a List page without first accessing a Find or a Query form.
  • A Query Group Item Link loads a Query Tool page. On a Query Tool page, your users create queries specific to the Group Item.
  • A Query Central Group Item Link opens Query Central. Query Central is a repository for all saved queries in netFORUM. It is not specific to any one Group Item. A Query Central Group Item Link allows your users to access this repository from any Group Item, where they can run the saved queries they have permission to access and run.


Privileged Groups?

Data Mapping

Group Item Links are Group Item children and Content Group grandchildren. Group Item Link records are stored in the cm_group_item_link table.