Common Child Form and Grandchild Form Buttons

Use the following buttons work with child and grandchild forms. Not every form will have all of the buttons listed.

expand/close: Click this button to display the child forms.

new window: Click this button to display the child forms in a new window.

add: Click this button to add a new record to the child form.

grandchild form: Click this button to expand or close a grandchild form and to access grandchild form links for the child form. A yellow folder indicates that grandchild forms exist for the child form. A gray folder indicates that there are no grandchild forms for the child form.
edit: Click this button to edit a record on the child form.

delete: Click this button to delete a record on the child form .

Important! If the DeleteMethod system option is set to hard, then the record will be removed from the database.

goto: Click this button to open a record's profile page.
more info: Click this button to see more details about a record on the child form.
linked headings: Click on a data column heading to sort the records.

See Common Toolkit Forms and Profile Page Buttons for the list of buttons to use to work withToolkit forms and profiles.