About Privileged Security Groups

Privileged Security Group Procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Add and Edit Group Security for Content Links Forms

Use the forms to add a new Privileged Security Group for a Group Item Link or edit an existing one.


group name: The Security Group name. This field is read-only on the Edit Group Security for Content Links form.

link text: The text for the Group Item Link. This text displays in the left navigation menu.


Both forms have common Toolkit buttons. See Common Toolkit Add and Edit Form Buttons for descriptions.

Other Items

save mode: The action performed by the the system when the Save button is clicked. The save mode is Insert on the Add Group Security for Content Links form and Update on the Edit Group Security for Content Links form.

created / updated: The record's create user and date and change user and date. These items are not displayed on the Add Group Security for Content Links form.