About Group Item Links

About Listing Specific Records

Add and Edit Group Item Link Forms

Find Group Item Link Form

Group Item Link Procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Group Item Link Profile Page

Use the Group Item Link Profile page to edit the Group Item Link record, and to access forms so that you can add, edit, and delete the security groups (Privileged Groups) that are allowed to access the Group Item Link.


module: Defaults to the name of the Content Group for the Group Item Link. This field can be edited only when you select the enable editing of module/item check box.

group item: Defaults to the name of the Group Item for the Group Item Link. The Group Item Link will be listed under this name in the left navigation menu unless the link is an Advanced Find Link. This field can be edited only when you select the enable editing of module/item check box.

enable editing of module/item: Select this check box to edit the Content Group and/or Group Item. You will want to do this only if you are moving the Group Item Link to a different Content Group or Group Item.

link text: The Group Item Link text.

link description: This field is deprecatedA deprecated field is no longer used and should be avoided, but has not been removed from the software.

link order: The order in which the Group Item Link displays under the Group Item in the left navigation menu, from top to bottom.

override form title: The header on Query, List, and Find pages defaults to the Form description. If this field is blank, then the the system will use the Form description for the header. Otherwise, the the system will use the text that you enter here.

Example: In the Accounting module in baseline netFORUM, Group Item Links in the Installment Billing Group Item opens the Order/Installment Form. For the Find Group Item Link, the form's default header is Find - Order/Installment. Abila wanted to use Find - Installment Billing instead, so that text was entered into this field.

exclude from top bar: This field is deprecatedA deprecated field is no longer used and should be avoided, but has not been removed from the software.

list add icon?: If selected, the destination for this Group Item Link is the form that opens when the add icon on a List page is clicked.

help link?: If selected, the Group Item Link displays in the help menu instead of in the left navigation menu.

The complete URL for a help link destination must be entered into the link path box, and it can not be a URL that is external to the netFORUM website.

link path: The path to the location of the file that will open when the Group Item Link is clicked. This path is internal to the netFORUM website, such as /forms. External URLs do not work because the the system places the website's application path before the name of the file (the link file).

Note: If the Group Item Link is located in the help menu (the help link? check box is selected), the complete website URL for the link destination should be entered to tell the the system to not add the website's application path before the name of the file.

link file: The name of the file that opens when the Group Item Link is clicked. Typically, this is an active server page such as DynamicSearch.aspx.

link parameters: Querystring parameters. A ? (question mark) precedes the parameter list.

open in new window: If selected, the Group Item Link destination opens in modal pop up window

new browser?: If selected, the Group Item Link destination opens in a new browser window.

form: The name of the form to open when the Group Item Link is clicked.

report: The name of the report that opens when the Group Item Link is clicked.

Note: A Report Group Item Link will display and open from Report Central. It will not display in the left navigation menu.

wizard: The name of the wizard that opens when the Group Item Link is clicked.

Metadata Lock: If selected, the Deploy Tool will not update this record when upgrading netFORUM.

hide/disable record:If selected, this record is soft-deleted and removed from the netFORUM display.


A Group Item Profile page has common Toolkit buttons. See Common Toolkit Profile Page Buttons for descriptions.

action items shortcuts:

  • Click Action Items > Goto Content Group for this Link to access the Content Group Profile page for the Group Item Link.
  • Click Action Items > Goto Group Item for this Link to access the Group Item Profile page for the Group Item Link.
  • Click Action Items > Goto Report for this Link to access the Report Setup Group Item in the Admin module to either add a report for the Group Item Link or edit an existing one.

Other Items

save mode: The action performed by the the system when the Save button is clicked. Update is the save mode on the Profile page.

created / updated: The record's create user and date and change user and date.

Group Item Link Profile Child Forms

The following child form is available on the Group Item Link Profile: