Quick Employee Information

Access this report using Reports>Payroll>Lists>Quick Employee Information.

Use this report to print employee information. This report includes the information entered using Maintain>Payroll>Employee Information. Note that this is a fixed-format report. You cannot customize the columns in the report; the system has already determined them. However, you can arrange the data using sort order on the Items by Page and Available Filters.

In order to view the entire Social Security Number, you must have been granted Display Sensitive Data rights for Maintain>Payroll>Employee Information in the active organization. These rights are granted by the Administrator using Security>Set Up Organization Menus form. Otherwise, only the last four digits of the Social Security Number displays.


Use this tab to assign a report name and determine whether or not to include it on the actual report. The report name can be printed in the header or the footer of the report.

Use this tab to determine the order that the data prints on the report. The Items by Page group box is used to divide the data onto separate pages, where as the Report Body group box is used to select the sort order (ascending or descending) of the columns. Selecting columns in the Report Body has no bearing on what appears on the report; the columns are for sorting purposes only.

  • By selecting Employee ID in the Available Items group box, the data is divided onto separate pages. The report starts a new page for each Employee ID. Sort the Employee IDs by ascending or descending order in the Sort column. If Employee ID is selected here, it is not available in the Available Columns.
  • Below is a list of the Available Columns to sort on. Keep in mind, that the report includes additional columns; these are the only ones that have sorting capabilities.
    • Processing Group
    • Class
    • Position
    • Employee Status
    • Employee ID
    • Employee Last Name

Use this tab to narrow down and more explicitly define the data to include in the report by selecting from the Available Filters. For example, if you want to filter employees by hire date, select "Hire Date," then "=" in the Compares To column. Finally, enter the date to filter on in the Criteria 1 column. The system only prints data that has the same hire date that is entered.

Use this tab to secure the active report so that other users cannot save their changes to it. The user that selects the check box, and then saves the report, is the only user that can change or save it later. This check box cannot be cleared by any user other than the user that locked the report.

Additional filters are available if any user defined fields were created by the Administrator using Organization>Set Up User Defined Fields.