Standard General Ledger Reports

Access this report using Reports>General Ledger Analysis>Standard General Ledger.

Use this report to print the general ledger. It contains the opening balance and complete detail for any report range and account codes selected.

  • This report prints in a stair-step format: all the account codes are in one column, all the account titles in another column, and all the account short titles in yet another column if selected.
  • Since the general ledger is basic to your accounting records and is a must for auditors, you will want to print an archive copy each month after all adjustments are entered and posted of either the Standard General Ledger or the Expanded General Ledger (depending on the presentation style preferred).

These are the System Default reports available for Standard General Ledger:

  • Standard General Ledger - This Month

  • Standard General Ledger - This Year

Note: Additional Standard General Ledger reports may be available depending on your MIP implementation.


Use this tab to assign:

  • Balance Dates
  • Current Transaction Dates
  • Report Groups
  • Columns
  • Items by Page (Page Breaks)

Balance Dates

The Balance Dates for the report display.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting Balance Dates.

Current Transaction Dates

The Current Transaction Dates for the report display.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting Current Transaction Dates.

Report Groups

Selecting a Report Group in Columns, Items by Page (Page Breaks), or Filter displays the Select\Edit Group Code dialog box.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on working with Report Groups.


The current column configuration for the reports displays.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting report columns.

These are the available columns with their descriptions for Standard General Ledger reports.

Note: Fewer or additional report columns may be available depending on your MIP implementation.



Account Code

The actual account code, plus the Group Code you selected on the Groups tab. The report prints the account code, such as 201, 05, or 45001. One column displays for each code type, such as Fund Code or GL Code.

Account Title (plus Group Code selected from Group Sets)

The title associated with each code above, plus the Group Title you selected on the Groups tab. The system prints one column for each code type, such as Fund Title or GL Title.

Account Short Title (plus Group Code selected from Group Sets)

The short title for the title above (15 characters or less), plus the Groups Short Title you selected on the Groups tab.

{Segment Name} Code

The code assigned to the segment. The report prints the account code, such as 201, 05, or 45001. The system displays one column for each of these code types, such as Fund Code or GL Code.

{Segment Name} Group Code

The group code assigned to the segment. The report prints the group code in the heading.

{Segment Name} Title

The title associated with each code above. The system displays one column for each of these code types, such as Fund Title or GL Title.

{Segment Name} Short Title

The short title for the title above (15 characters or less). The system displays one column for each code types, such as Fund Short Title.

Session ID

The Session ID assigned to the batch of documents.

Session Date

The date of the session.

Document Number

The document number that was entered on the transaction entry form.

Document Date

The date of the document.

Document Description

The description of the document.

Reversed Invoice A designation of Yes or No, determining whether the AP invoice/credit has been automatically reversed in the system using the Reverse Session Form.
Reversed Invoice Date If the Accounts Payable module is installed, the date the invoice was reversed during transaction entry using the Reverse Session Form.


If the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Reporting, or Payroll modules are installed, this is the Vendor ID, Customer ID, or Employee ID assigned.


This is the name on checks/vouchers. If the Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable Reporting modules are installed, this information was set up using the Maintenance>Vendors or Maintenance>Customers forms.

Payment Type

The payment type associated with the document—either Check or Voucher.


A source of Customer, Vendor.

Effective Date

The line item's effective date.

Entry Type

The entry type chosen during transaction entry—Normal, End of Year Adjustment, Adjust Opening Balances, or Beginning Balance. The system prints an N, A, AO, or UO.

Transaction Description

The description entered for the transaction line item.


For functional currency, the debit amount entered during transaction entry. For non-functional currency, the Source Debit times the Exchange Rate.


For functional currency, the debit amount entered during transaction entry. For non-functional currency, the Source Credit times the Exchange Rate.

Check Address Code

The vendor’s check address code, such as Main or Austin Office.

Source Debit

The debit amount entered during transaction entry.

Source Credit

The credit amount entered during transaction entry.

Invoice Debit

The invoice debit amount used in Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable transaction lines.

Invoice Credit

The invoice credit amount used in Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable transaction lines.

Items by Page (Page Breaks)

The current data arrangement per page for the report displays.

Use Items by Page to divided report items onto separate pages, starting a new page for each item.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on separating report pages.

These are the available columns with their descriptions for Standard General Ledger reports.

Note: Fewer or additional report columns may be available depending on your MIP implementation.



{Segment Name} Code

The code assigned to the segment. The report prints the account code, such as 201, 05, or 45001. The system displays one column for each of these code types, such as Fund Code or GL Code.

{Segment Name} Group Code

The group code assigned to the segment. The report prints the group code in the heading.

Payment Type

The payment type associated with the document—either Check or Voucher.


The current column filtering for the reports displays.

Use filtering to narrow down and more explicitly define the data to include in the report.

See Report Builder Filter Tab for more information on adjusting report filters.

These are the available columns with their descriptions for Standard General Ledger reports.

Note: Fewer or additional report columns may be available depending on your MIP implementation.



Session ID

The Session ID assigned to the batch of documents.


If the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Reporting, or Payroll modules are installed, this is the Vendor ID, Customer ID, or Employee ID assigned.


A source of Customer, Vendor.

Effective Date

The line item's effective date.

Entry Type

The entry type chosen during transaction entry—Normal, End of Year Adjustment, Adjust Opening Balances, or Beginning Balance. The system prints an N, A, AO, or UO.

{Segment Name} Code

The code assigned to the segment. The report prints the account code, such as 201, 05, or 45001. The system displays one column for each of these code types, such as Fund Code or GL Code.

{Segment Name} Group Code

The group code assigned to the segment. The report prints the group code in the heading.

Payment Type

The payment type associated with the document—either Check or Voucher.


Use this tab to set up any Available Options for the report.

See Report Builder Options Tab for more information on adjusting report options.

These are the available options with their descriptions for Standard General Ledger reports.



Include|Year-End Adjustments

Select this option to include year-end adjustments on the report. This entry type was designated during transaction entry.

Include|Opening Entries in Detail

Select this option to include opening balances (system or user opening entries) in detail. This entry type was designated during transaction entry.

Summarize Amounts

Select this option to add amounts together and display one line item with the total amount. All document information must be identical for the system to add items together.

Suppress Lines with All Zeros

Select this option, along with the Summarize Amounts option, so that documents with zero amounts do not print. If the debit and credit on the same line nets to zero then it is suppressed. For example, there is a GL code with a debit of $100 (USD) and a credit of $100 (USD) and it is on the same line with no other entries. The GL code will not appear on the report.

Subtotal Detail by Calendar Month

Select this option to subtotal the detail by a calendar month. This subtotal always calculates according to calendar month end, (1-31) not the month end of the Fiscal Year.

Security|Do Not Allow Changes to this Report Select this option to lock the report and disallow changes.


Use this tab to change the font and page setup for a report.

See Report Builder Layout Tab for more information on adjusting the report layout.