Google Maps

Google Maps™ can be accessed from either the Individual or Organization profile, however, each is used differently. Use of google maps from the individual profile will bring up a map of any Nearby Contacts, while use of Google Maps™ from the organization profile will bring up Google News™ about the organization if there is any. Google Maps™ also works in the events profile and lets you know how many registrants in each state.

Client Tasks

To use Google Maps™, first go to

  1. Click Sign Up for a Google Maps™ API Key.
  2. After you have read all the terms and conditions, enter in your base iWeb URL into the field, and click “Generate”. You can either use the domain name or the external IP address. If you use the domain name to generate the key you will not be able to access google maps when using the IP address to access iWeb and vice versa.
  3. You will be prompted to login with a Google account. Once you sign in, you will be given your Google API Key
  4. Highlight the key that you are given, and press Ctrl+C.
  5. Go to your iweb site and go to the Admin Module, then click System Options.
  6. For the System Option, type in GoogleMapsAPIKey and press enter to search for it. Highlight the current setting and press Ctrl+V to paste your API Key and then click Save.

You can now use Google Maps.

Abila Tasks



See above.


  • In order for the Nearby Contacts feature to function correctly, an Address Validation integration is necessary to populate the latitude and longitude values in the address. The functionality is based the Haversine Distance which requires latitude and longitude values of addresses to be compared.
  • Baseline Nearby Contacts must have addresses within 5 miles of each other to be found.
  • If Google rejects the API key set in the system option The API key must be set for the root folder of the website. Sites that have the same root IP address must have a different key based on the root folder of the site. For example, during implementation many sites will share the same root IP address with corresponding folders for each site,,, and for the live site. Retrieving a key only for the root address, will only will provide a key for the live or root site. You will need a separate API key for each other site as necessary for testing and development.
  • Many sites will have an internal and external address. Make sure that the address you use to retrieve the Google API key is the external facing IP and not the masked internal address.