Payment Profile

The Payment Profile provides detailed information about a payment.

There are three basic sections to the Payment Profile: Payment Information, Credit Card Payment Information, and the Other Payment Methods Information. The Payment Profile also has a single child form.

The Payment Profile page shows Payment Information for a transaction, for example:

  • Who made the payment
  • Payment Status
  • Payment Amount
  • Amount of Applied Credit (if applicable)
  • Refund Amount (if applicable)
  • Payment Method (e.g., check, credit card, purchase order, etc.)
  • Method Type (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
  • Payment Date
  • Batch - The Batch name is hyperlinked and will take you to the Batch Profile if clicked.
  • Payment Notes

The Credit Card Payment Information section provides details of a payment made by a credit card. The data displayed includes:

  • Credit Card Number (Note that only the last four digits will be shown for security purposes)
  • Credit Card Expiration Date
  • Credit Card Holder Name
  • Reference Code
  • Authorization Code
  • Whether Card is a Credit or Debit Card
  • Whether it is a Corporate Credit Card

The Other Payment Methods Information section displays information on payments made by means other than cash or credit card. The data displayed includes:

  • Check Number
  • Money Order Number
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Purchase Check Date
  • PayPal Payer ID
  • PayPal Transaction ID
  • ACH Routing Number
  • ACH Amount Number
  • Wire Date
  • Wire Number
  • Merchant ID
  • Wire Comment

The Payment Invoice & Transaction Details child forms show related Invoice and Payment information including:

  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Close Date
  • Transaction Type
  • Product Name
  • Transaction Item Quantity
  • Transaction Dollar Amount
  • Transaction Total

Canceling or Voiding a Payment

A payment can be voided or canceled from its Payment Profile. The options allowing you to void or cancel the payment depend on whether the payment has been posted to a batch.

For payments that have not been posted to a batch, the Void Payment button appears in the Payment Profile. If the payment has been posted to a batch, the Cancel Payment button appears.

In the example above, the payment has been posted to a batch, causing the Cancel Payment button to appear on the Payment Profile.

If a payment has been canceled or voided, you will see the Cancel or Void Date and the Cancellation Reference Code.