Linking an Individual to Another Individual

When creating a new Individual Profile or editing the Address Information section of an Individual Profile, you have the option to link another individual to the individual's profile.

To link one individual to another:

  1. Navigate to the Individual Profile.
  2. Hover over the Edit action icon. Click Edit Name and Address in the drop-down menu.

  1. The Edit Personal Information form appears. Locate the Affiliation Information—Search Database section.
  2. Enter all or part of the name of the individual to be linked in the Linked Individual field. Click the Lookup icon to select the individual from the List—Customer Information window.

  1. Click Save.

The Linked Individuals child form under the Relations child form tab displays the linked individual. If the linked individual has membership benefits and membership benefit flow down is allowed by that member type, a notation will appear in the Benefits column and the linked individual will receive membership benefits by association.