Member Join Date

Member Join Date is the date on which a member submits a membership application and payment. For example, a membership term might run from January 1 through December  31, but if the member submits the application and payment on May 10, the member join date is May 10. Join date conditions (membership is valid when certain conditions are met) are defined by the member type. (For more information, please see the help topics, Calendar-based Memberships, Anniversary Memberships, Start Immediately, and Percent Paid.)

Join Date can be updated in the Edit Primary Membership Information form, which is accessible from Organization and Individual profiles. Once entered, the join date displays on the Individual or Organization profile in iWeb, in the Primary Membership Information section, as highlighted below.

Tip: For information on setting the Join Date, please see the help topic Updating an Individual's Membership Information.

Join Date also displays in eWeb on the My Transactions page under the My Memberships tab.