Organization Profile

The Organization Profile shows the organization’s name and address information, primary membership information, contact information, primary contact, social Web sites, and more.  Action buttons in the center of the profile screen allow you to quickly perform tasks for the organization, and the child form tabs at the bottom of the screen display more detailed data on the organization being viewed.

Using Organization Contact Icons

At the top of the organization profile, use contact icons to send an e-mail to the organization, copy the organization's contact information, or retrieve the organization's e-mail history data from the archive.

  • Use the Send E-mail to Organization icon to open the Send Correspondence: [Organization Name] form and compose an e-mail to the organization or select a pre-made e-mail template from the template list. Customize all aspects of the e-mail, including priority, as shown in the example below.

  • The Export Contact Information to VCard icon automatically downloads a copy of the .vcf file containing the individual's contact information.
  • The E-mail History Icon allows you to pull the e-mail history for the selected organization from the archive.

Using Organization Profile Action Icons

Action icons appear at the top of each organization profile. Each icon lists options that have been moved and/or combined from other areas of the netFORUM interface to provide more efficient workspace and intuitive design. Hover over these action icons to open fly-out menus allowing you to edit information, perform actions, and run reports.

For more information on how to use the organization profile menus, visit the help topic, Understanding Profile Menus.

Editing Organization Profile Information

To edit Organization Profile Information, select the information you wish to edit from the Edit profile drop-down menu. You can:

  • Edit Organization Info
  • Edit Contact Info
  • Edit Membership Info
  • Upload/Edit Image
  • Edit Social Handles

Editing Organization Information

To edit organization address information in the Address Information section of the organization profile, hover over the Edit profile menu icon and select Edit Organization Info. This opens the Edit Organization Information form.

Edit organization name and address information, phone numbers, a customer ID number and more. Once demographics have been set up for organizations, use this option to enter demographics information for the organization, such as biographical information, tax exempt status, etc. Demographics fields must be set up before such information can be added. (See: Setting up the Demographic Information Form for Organizations.)

  • Use the Edit Organization Information form to indicate which address—business or billing—to display on the eWeb organization directory entry. The Show in Directory check box next to the Business Address and Billing Address sections allows you to specify whether to display the business or billing address under the organization's eWeb directory listing. Click the Show in Directory check box above the address that you wish to display on eWeb.

Tip: The Show in Directory check box must be selected for either the Business or the Billing address.  If Show in Directory is not selected for either address, no address will appear on the eWeb directory listing. The Do Not Publish Info Online check box must not be checked for individual profile information to appear in the eWeb directory.

In the example above, the Business Address is selected to Show in Directory. When the organization's listing is viewed on the eWeb site, the address selected via the Show in Directory check box is displayed under the organization directory listing.

Note: If an address is no longer accurate, click the Bad Address check box in the Edit Organization Information form. This flags the address as inaccurate and acts as a visual reminder on the profile and in queries that the address is incorrect. When an address flagged as Primary is also flagged as Bad, the warning message Marked as Bad Address! appears on the Organization Profile indicating that the address has been flagged as invalid. Addresses flagged as Bad are not automatically removed from mailing lists or invoices.   For the Bad Address status to appear in query results, the "Bad Address" check box must be checked when selecting query data elements.

Editing Contact Information

To edit Contact Information, select Edit Contact Info from the edit action icon drop-down menu. the Edit button opens a window in which you can edit phone, fax, and e-mail contact information, and select the organization's primary contact preferences.

Editing Membership Information

To update Primary Membership Information, select Edit Membership Info from the edit action icon drop-down menu. This opens the Edit Membership Information window where you can edit the organization's membership status. Renew a membership, cancel a membership, enter termination reason (if applicable), and record other membership-related information.

Upload/Edit Image

To upload or edit an image for the organization select Upload/Edit Image from the edit action icon drop-down menu. In the Image Upload window, browse for an image to associate with the Organization Profile.

Edit Social Handles

Update an organization's social networking accounts using the edit action icon drop-down menu. Select Edit Social Handles to update social media information.

Social networking handles entered in this section link to the organization's social networking page(s). Click a hyperlinked social networking handle to easily navigate to the organization's social networking profile. Note that the user name for the social handle is parsed from the URL entered. For example, in the screenshot below, the hyperlink "natw" is parsed from the Facebook profile URL "".

Tip: Social networking fields are now listed among an organization's baseline demographics and can be hidden or made visible by checking or unchecking the Show Internally flag in the Demographics Setup form. For additional information on viewing and editing organization demographics, view the help topic Enabling Baseline Demographics for Organizations.

Using Organization Profile Child Forms

Organization profile child forms allow you to view and, in some cases, add additional information related to the organization. Child forms are organized under tabs, and each tab contains several child forms related to the tab topic. For detailed information on Organization Profile child forms, see the help topic Organization Profile Child Forms.