Original Join Date

Many associations wish to know member join dates. To make this information available, a field exists for both Individuals and Organizations  in the Edit Primary Membership Information form called Original Join Date. The Original Join Date displays in the Primary Membership Information section of the Individual or Organization Profile.

Tip: For more information on setting the Original Join Date, please view the help topic Updating an Individual's Membership Information.


Original Join Date refers to the date an individual or organization first purchased a membership and joined the association. Original Join Date may differ from the Join Date—Join Date refers to the date an individual or organization joined a specific membership type.

If the Primary Membership is also the first membership purchased when the association was joined, the dates in the Original Join Date and Join Date fields will be the same. If the Primary Membership displayed is not the first membership purchased by the individual, those dates will be different.

The original join date may be imported during implementation and will not change with future membership updates. The Original Join Date field will auto-populate the first time a membership is purchased from the eWeb or iWeb Online Store for an individual.   

If needed, the Original Join Date can be added or modified in iWeb by clicking the Edit button in the Primary Information section on the profile of an Individual or Organization record. As seen below, the Original Join Date appears above the Join Date field and specifies that this is the original date the customer joined the association.