Receiving Membership Benefits Through Benefits Flow Down

Before flow down benefits can be received, they must be set up on the Member Type.

View the Allowing Membership Benefits Flow Down help topic for details on enabling flow down benefits.

Before Flow Down Benefits Are Activated

Before the Flow Down process is run, the linked individual will not appear as having any flow down membership on the Individual or Organization Profile that owns the membership. The Linked Individuals child form under the Relations child form tab does not show that benefits flow down to that individual. (No "yes" appears under the Benefits column.)

This is visible in the image below. The flow down process has not yet been run, so the highlighted individual is not marked as receiving benefits in the Benefits column.

Member benefits also do not display on the linked Individuals Profile. "No" appears next to the Member status in the Membership Information section of the main Individual Profile page.

After the Flow Down Process is Run

Once the Flow Down process is run, the linked individual is marked as receiving benefits on the Individual or Organization profile that owns the membership. Under the Relations tab > Linked Individuals child form, you will now see Yes in the Benefits column for those receiving benefits.

After the flow down process is run, the linked individual's benefit status also appears on the individual profile. Member status is set to "No" but Receives Benefits is set to Yes in the Membership Information section. This is because the individual now receives benefits from the organization they are linked to but does not own a membership.

Membership Flow Child Form

The Membership Flow child form can be found on the Membership tab on both the Individual and Organization profiles in netFORUM. This child form displays information regarding an individual’s (or organization’s) flow down benefits.

Expanding this child form from a customer profile (individual profile or organization profile) will instantly update the flow down benefit status for that customer. Not only does this child form display information about the customer whose profile you are viewing, but also every individual or organization that is connected to that customer. To update the Primary Membership information quadrant on the profile refresh the customer profile.

The Membership Flow child form has the following columns:

  • Sort Name:  name of individual or organization linked to the customer profile being viewed.
  • Customer Type:  is that customer an individual or organization.
  • Degree of Separation: how many levels separate the customer whose profile is being viewed from the linked individual or organization. The top line is always the customer whose profile is being viewed and will have a zero degree of separation. This child form will show up to ten degrees of separation.
  • Is Member:  does the linked customer have an active membership from the entity providing the benefits.
  • Has Membership(flow down):  lists the member type that is providing the flow down benefits.
  • Receives Benefit:  does the linked customer receive benefits from the membership.
  • Do Not Receive Benefit:  is the Should Not Receive Benefits check box checked for that customer.

Removing Membership Benefits

Occasionally, you may not want linked records to receive membership benefits flow down, or you may need to unlink a record from a parent organization in certain cases, such as when individuals leave an organization. As previously noted, every time a linked record (that receives linked benefits) is added or modified, you must return to the parent record (which owns the benefits) and click the Flow Down button to schedule the change before you will be able to view the updates.

For detailed information on removing membership benefits, see the help topic Removing Membership Benefits.

You can also elect to wait for the flow down back-end process to sweep all of the records and update the flow down status. This process runs each day from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. Another option is to go to the specific profile page and open the Membership Flow child form to instantly update the flow down status for that record.

Remove benefit flow down via the Organization Profile for some or all individuals linked to the organization. For more information on removing flow down benefits to linked individuals, view the Help topic Managing Employee Flow Down Benefits. To unlink a record entirely from a parent record, complete the following steps:

  1. On the individual record that is linked, Edit the address information and remove the parent organization name displayed in the Primary Org field.

  2. Click Save.

Note:  If the parent organization is no longer a member, the Terminate Date and Terminate Reason fields must be completed in order for the linked individuals to no longer receive member benefits. If you do not complete these fields, the linked individuals will continue to receive member benefits. View Terminating a Membership for more information.