Providing a Primary Contact for a Linked Organization in the Individual Directory

When an individual is searched for in the eWeb Individual Directory, the search result will list that Individual's Primary Organization, if a Primary Organization has been specified.

Tip: The individual's Primary Organization will be listed only if the Employer check box is selected during Individual Directory set up and if the individual is also linked to the organization in iWeb.

If the individual has an organization that has been set as Primary on their iWeb Individual Profile via the Look-Up functionality (as opposed to simply typing an Organization Name in the Primary Org field), then that Primary Organization name will appear as a hyperlink under the individual's name in the eWeb Individual Directory. When clicked, the hyperlinked Primary Organization name will open the Primary Contact Information page for the Organization's Primary Contact. (View Adding a Primary Contact for an Organization for more information.)  

For example, in the image below the Primary Organization for the listed individual appears as a hyperlink under the individual name. Note that the title attribute that appears when the mouse hovers over the hyperlink indicates that the hyperlink navigates to Go to Primary Contact Information Details.

Clicking the hyperlinked Primary Organization name loads the Primary Contact Information page, listing the name and contact information for the organization's Primary Contact.

Showing Primary Contact Information

Contact information, including address, phone number, or e-mail address must be set in the Primary Contact's iWeb Individual Profile for information to appear on the eWeb Primary Contact Information page.

To ensure that Primary Contact information is visible in the eWeb directory:

  1. Open the Edit Individual Information form for the Primary Contact.
  2. Locate the Personal Information section. Ensure that the Do Not Publish Info Online check box in not checked.  Checking this box prevents any of the individual's contact information from appearing in the eWeb directory.

  1. To provide phone, fax, or e-mail contact information, ensure that contact information is available in the Phone & Fax Number Information and the E-mail and Web log in Information sections.

  1. To provide address information, ensure that address information is entered in the Business Information or Home Information address sections.
  2. Use the Show in Directory check box to specify which address—business or home—to display on the eWeb Primary Contact Information page. The Show in Directory check box must be selected for either the Business or the Home address. If Show in Directory is not selected for either address, no address will appear on the eWeb Primary Contact Information page.

Once the Primary Contact information has been entered in iWeb, it will be displayed on the eWeb Primary Contact Information page.