Web Site Editor Overview

The Web Site Editor is part of the Web Site module and is available for organizations who want more flexibility and control over the design of their eWeb sites. The Web Site Editor requires knowledge of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript.

The Web Site Editor is for advanced netFORUM Pro users only, and Abila Support assistance is limited. To access the Web Site Editor, you must have Administrator-level access. You must also have set up your Web Site by running the Web Site Wizard. The Web Site Editor is not accessible until the Web Site Wizard has been completed.

Accessing the Web Site Editor:

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Web Site. The Web Site Overview page will appear.
  2. Expand the Web Site Editor group item and click the Web Site Editor option.

The Web Site Editor has 8 default tabs at the top: General, Layout, Theme, Content, Directories, Navigation, New Visitor, and My Information. There is also an optional tab available - Trade Org.

For additional information on the Web Site Editor, see the following topics:

General tab

When you first enter the editor, you are on the General tab. The General tab allows you to apply HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to modify the look and feel of your Web site.

Layout tab

The Layout tab allows you to define a basic layout for your Web site.

Theme tab

The Theme tab allows you to pick a template or create your own template for your Web site.

Content tab

The Content tab gives you the ability to add content and security to your Web site, including Web sections and Web pages.

Directories tab

The Directories tab provides the ability to change the layout of the Individual and Organization directories on eWeb.

Navigation tab

The Navigation tab gives you the ability to add Web page links to your Web site and to manage link order and nested lists.

New Visitor tab

The New Visitor tab enables you to choose if you want visitor registration on your Web site and which information you want to be required from them if you do.

My Information tab

The My Information page on eWeb presents customers with a detailed view of their account and the information you have collected about them through New Visitor registration. The information that is displayed on the My Information page and whether or not customers may actually edit the fields or simply view them is dictated by the My Information tab in the Web Site Editor.

Trade Org tab

If you choose to enable online organization management through the Trade Organization check box in Accounting set-up, a 9th tab, the Trade Org tab becomes available.) Online organization management refers to the ability to not only view organizational details online [in eWeb] but also to edit them. Those details may be contact information, employees, and so forth. netFORUM Pro online organization management allows you to set permissions by relationship to your organization (Primary Contact, President, etc.) as to who may manage organizations online.

You cannot enable this feature on your Web sites unless you first select the Trade Organization check box in Accounting set-up and then select the features you want through the Trade Org tab in the Web Site editor that then becomes available.