Adding and Deleting Fields on Custom Forms
You may have a field enabled from the Setup Demographic form that you want deleted from the form design. You can delete a field label and the corresponding data field by holding down the CTRL button and clicking on both fields. Then push the DELETE button on your keyboard.
Note: This will delete the field from the design form but it will not change any settings on the Setup Demographics form. You must delete both the field label and the data field.
Once the fields are deleted they will appear under the Demographic Controls section of the design form. You can track all demographic fields that were setup but deleted from the design form in this section.
If you deleted a field from the form by mistake and want to place it back on the form, click on the field name in the Demographic Controls list.
The field label and data field will appear in the design area of the form. You can now drag it onto the form.
Tip: Saving the design form periodically is advisable so that changes you make are not cleared by a session time-out or ISP connectivity issues.