Canceling an Invoice for a Check Transaction
Depending upon the type of payment method used, such as a credit card versus a check or cash, and what you intend to do with the funds upon cancelling an invoice, different steps should be observed and taken. This topic will explain how to cancel an invoice when a check has been used for a transaction and how to process the refund and return a check back to the customer versus how to credit the customer's netFORUM Pro account instead if desired. Examples for events and merchandise will be used.
Canceling a Check Invoice for an Event Registration
When you want to refund the customer’s check when processing an event registration cancellation for the full amount, the best method to cancel is by cancelling the Invoice itself by clicking the Cancel Invoice icon. However, if you want to apply a Cancellation Fee, you should cancel through the Event Registrant Profile instead to process a partial refund. Note the following about this method:
- This method of cancellation will cancel both the invoice and the event registration.
- The customer must have purchased the event registration using a check. In other words, you cannot create a refund based upon a check that was purchased using another payment method such as a credit card.
- This method initially creates a credit on the customer's account until you process a refund in netFORUM Pro to clear it.
- Once you cancel the invoice, you will still need to process the refund in netFORUM Proif you choose not to leave the credit on the customer’s account.
- This method creates a full refund only. To process a partial refund using a Cancellation Fee, you must cancel through the Event Registrant Profile instead; the Cancellation Fee will be applied and the refund amount created will be the remainder.
To cancel an event registration and create a credit on the customer’s account to process a refund:
- Go to the customer Invoice created for the Event registration. The Event Registrant Profile will have the invoice number in the Event Registration Fee Information section.
- Once on the Invoice, click the Cancel Invoice button.
- In the Invoice Cancellation window, enter any relevant cancellation-related information such as a Cancellation Reason and ensure that the Create Credit check box is selected. This means that a credit will be created on the customer’s netFORUM Pro account. However, if you plan to reimburse the customer with direct funds, running the Process Refunds function in the Accounting Module will balance the G/L and clear this credit. Further, note that you may not use a Cancellation Fee when canceling from the Invoice (a full refund is created and the Cancellation Fee is ignored). If you want to create a partial refund for a refund check, you must use the Cancel Registration button from the Event Registrant Profile instead. Entering a Cancellation Fee through that method will create a refund amount minus the Cancellation Fee applied. (This is event specific and does not apply to merchandise)
This cancels the invoice and event registration and you are ready to process the refund and remove the credit.You will then be able to create a refund check for the customer. View the help topic on Processing a Refund with a Refund Check for more information.
Canceling a Check Invoice for a Membership Purchase
When you want to refund the customer’s check when processing a membership cancellation for the full amount, the best method to cancel is by cancelling the Invoice itself by clicking the Cancel Invoice icon. However, if you want to apply a Cancellation Fee, you should cancel through the Member Profile instead to process a partial refund. Note the following about this method:
- This method of cancellation will cancel both the invoice and the membership.
- The customer must have purchased the membership using a check. In other words, you cannot create a refund based upon a check purchase that was purchased using another payment method such as a credit card.
- This method initially creates a credit on the customer's netFORUM Pro account until you process a refund in netFORUM Pro to clear it.
- If you choose not to process the refund in netFORUM Pro, a credit remains on the customer’s netFORUM Proaccount.
- This method creates a full refund only. To process a partial refund using a Cancellation Fee, you must cancel through the Member Profile instead; the Cancellation Fee will be applied and the refund amount created will be the remainder.
To cancel an event registration and create a credit on the customer’s account to process a refund:
- Go to the customer Invoice created for the Membership purchase. The Member Profile will have the invoice number on the Order/Invoice child form.
- Once on the Invoice, click the Cancel Invoice button.
- In the Invoice Cancellation window, enter any relevant cancellation-related information such as a Cancellation Reason and ensure that the Create Credit check box is selected. This means that a credit will be created on the customer’s netFORUM Pro account. However, if you plan to reimburse the customer with direct funds, running the Process Refunds function in the Accounting Module will balance the G/L and clear this credit. Further, note that you may not use a Cancellation Fee when canceling from the Invoice (a full refund is created and the Cancellation Fee is ignored). If you want to create a partial refund for a refund check, you must use the Cancel Registration button from the Member Profile instead. See, Processing a Partial Credit Card Refund for a Membership.
This cancels the invoice and the membership and you are ready to process the refund and remove the credit from the netFORUM Pro account. You will then be able to create a refund check for the customer. View the help topic on Processing a Refund with a Refund Check for more information.
Canceling a Check Invoice for a Merchandise Purchase
To cancel a merchandise purchase and create a credit on the customer’s credit card (or netFORUM Pro account):
- Go to the customer Invoice created for merchandise purchase (under the Merchandise Purchased child form from the Individual Profile).
- Once on the Invoice, click the Cancel Invoice button.
- In the Invoice Cancellation window, enter any relevant cancellation-related information such as a Cancellation Reason and ensure that the Create Credit check box is selected. This means that a credit will be created on the customer’s netFORUM Pro account. However, if you plan to reimburse the customer with direct funds, running the Process Refunds function in the Accounting Module will balance the G/L and clear this credit. If you enter a Cancellation Fee, the credit generated will subtract this fee.
Once you have canceled the invoice, you are ready to process the refund and remove the credit. You will then be able to create a refund check for the customer. View the help topic on Processing a Refund with a Refund Check for more information.