Processing a Partial Credit Card Refund for a Membership
When cancelling a membership, you can create a partial refund back to the customer's credit card while applying a cancellation fee. When the partial refund is issued, a credit will automatically be created to the customer’s credit card through PayPal and
To issue a partial refund for a membership cancellation, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to the member profile.
- Click the Cancel Membership button. This will open the Registration Cancellation pop-up window.
- The Cancellation Date will default to today’s date; however it can be modified if needed.
- Enter the amount being charged for the cancellation in the Cancellation Fee field. The amount entered here is subtracted from the full payment amount when the partial refund is issued to the payment processor.
Tip: A cancellation fee must be entered in order to issue a partial refund. If no cancellation fee is entered, a full refund will be issued even if the Partial Refund checkbox is checked.
- Expand the Cancellation Fee Charge Code drop-down menu and select the appropriate charge code for the cancellation fee.
- Enter the reason for the cancellation in the Cancellation Reason field. Expand the Termination Reason drop-down menu and select the appropriate reason if needed.
- Click the Partial Credit Card Refund checkbox.
- Click the Process Cancellation button.
The member profile updates to note the membership cancellation, the termination and cancel date, and the reason for the cancellation. A refund will be sent to the payment processor.
- To view the partial refund, navigate to the individual profile.
- Hover-over the Actions
icon. In the drop-down menu, click the Transaction Summary link.
The Transaction Summary pop-up window for the selected individual appears.
The partial refund is also visible on the payment profile page on the Payment Invoice & Transaction Details child form.
Tip: Once a payment is credited, you can view the payment credit profile via the invoice page. To view the details of the payment credit that you created, locate the payment credit in the Payments section of the invoice and click Cancel Paid Credit in the Transaction Type column. The Payment Credit Profile will appear. For more detailed information, see the help topic Credit Profile.