Creating an Export File for Financial Edge
To create an export file for Financial Edge, complete the steps outlined on the Creating an Export File for General Ledger Software help topic.
Note: Only batches created AFTER the Summary Export has been enabled will contain the appropriate format. Any batches that existed prior to enabling the Summary Export will contain the Default Export Format.
Financial Edge Summary Export
A sample file layout/export is detailed below. This CSV file should then be imported into Financial Edge after export from netFORUM.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
Batch Import ID | GL Account | Post Date | Encumbrance Status | Entry Type | Amount | Journal | Journal Reference |
Blank - To be filled in prior to import | 1234-000 | 12/20/2011 | Regular | Debit | 20.55 | Journal Entry | V/MC - 12/20/201 |
Blank - To be filled in prior to import | 2345-000 | 12/20/2011 | Regular | Credit | 201.55 | Journal Entry | V/MC - 12/20/201 |
File Column Definitions:
Note: The first row will include the column headers as detailed above.
Batch Import ID: To be left blank. As noted, you will need to create a Batch within Financial Edge and import into this batch. The name of the Financial Edge Batch will need to be filled in once it is created in Financial Edge.
GL Account: Charge Code in netFORUM Pro that the debit or credit will be entered against.
Post Date: Batch date
Encumbrance Status: Hard Code “Regular” in each entry.
Entry Type: “Debit” or “Credit” depending on entry type.
Amount: Amount of Ledger entry.
Journal: Hard entry of “Journal entry” in each entry.
Journal Reference: netFORUM Pro Batch Name
Note that you should create a default mapping template in The Financial Edge software to map your export file to then import into the correct fields. This is completed within The Financial Edge software itself. Mapping instructions are available from The Financial Edge.