Creating an Export File for Intacct
To integrate your data with Intacct, you must submit a case to the Abila Support team indicating that you would like to integrate your accounting data with Intacct Accounting software.
Note: Only batches created AFTER the Summary Export has been enabled will contain the appropriate format. Any batches that existed prior to enabling the Summary Export will contain the Default Export Format.
Exporting to Intacct is slightly different from currently supported accounting packages in that it is integrated through a Web service and you will need an Intacct account before you can use this functionality. Further, you will need to set-up the Location, Department, and Class fields independently in netFORUM once your Intacct account is enabled as well which is described below.
Once you have your Intacct account set-up, contact the Abila Support team and submit a ticket so that the system options needed to enable this functionality can be set-up for you. The Client Service team will need the following information:
Company ID – Set-up when creating an account with Intacct
User ID/Password – Indicates user is set-up in Intacct and has access to create Journal entries.
It is also important that you make sure the Charge Code account numbers in netFORUM match the account numbers that you set-up in your Intacct account so that an error is not generated when you perform your export. If the GL accounts do not match, the file will not export.
Once the functionality is enabled and your Account numbers set-up in each application, the GL Export button on the Batch Profile will perform a summary export into your Intacct accounting software.
However, as noted, you must ensure that you also have the appropriate charge codes set-up and utilized in netFORUM in that the account number in Intacct must match the Abila charge code account number.
Once you have your Intacct account set-up and netFORUM enabled, you may also set-up your Intacct Location, Department, and Class fields with netFORUM. You may use a custom Intacct Journal ID for netFORUM as well.
Using Intacct Location, Department, and Class Fields with netFORUM
You may use the Location, Department, and Class fields once you set-up Intacct and netFORUM to achieve a more granular level of accounting categorization when assigning charge codes. For example, if an event is held at a certain location or by a specific department, the Location and Department fields may now be assigned. Also available this build is the ability to name your Intacct Journal ID within netFORUM. This facilitates those organizations that have several sources of data integrated within their Intacct accounting software and desire custom names to differentiate those sources of data. Both updates are described in more detail below.
To set-up the new fields in netFORUM, complete the following steps:
- Access the Accounting module, Overview and Setup group item.
- Click the Setup hyperlink.
- There are three new child forms under the Accounting tab; Locations, Departments, and Classes. Note that you will not see these tabs if you have not integrated netFORUM with Intaact accounting software (contact Abila Support if you wish to do so).
- Expand each childform to click the Import from Intacct button.
Note: Before importing Intacct dimensions, they must be present in Intacct. To make updates to your Intacct dimensions you must first make the updates in Intacct and then re-import them into netFORUM.
This will import initial field data from your Intacct accounting software. The image below demonstrates the Locations childform expanded. Notice that the fields have been imported and three locations are present as a result (New York, San Francisco, and Virginia).
Once imported, Intacct Dimensions are available in Pricing Controls. Notice in the image below, for example, that you may now assign a Location, Department, or Class to the Merchandise.
Tip: Once each childform’s data has been imported, you must manually refresh your browser by logging out, closing your browser, and then logging back in before you will be able to view the imported data.
As noted, also available this build is the ability to name your Intacct Journal ID within netFORUM. This facilitates those organizations that have several sources of data integrated within their Intacct accounting software and desire custom names to differentiate those sources of data.
To custom name your Intacct Journal ID in netFORUM, complete the following steps:
- Access the Accounting module, Overview and Setup group item.
- Click the Setup hyperlink.
- Under the Account Information childform, click the Edit
- Edit the Intacct Journal ID field at the bottom of the Client Information form. You may use any name you like and are limited only by a 16 character maximum length. Click the Save button when complete.