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Initial MemberFuse Roles after netFORUM Synchronization
Once synchronized, the individual is placed into the appropriate role in MemberFuse. Roles will have various permissions that define what a user may or may not do once on the site. Initial role placement after implementation is based on the following factors and conditions:
- If the individual has a matching iWeb account, they are added to the Staff Role in MemberFuse
- If the individual receives member benefits, they are added to the Member Role in MemberFuse
- All other individuals are added to the Non-Member Role in MemberFuse. These individuals are also hidden from the Member Directory.
- The Administrator, Staff, Member and Non-Member Roles are automatically created when the Website is launched and their permissions are set to the most common configuration. Administrators are free to add more roles and configure permissions as needed or desired, however. A Super Administrator role exists as well and prevents any “Deny” permissions from being added to it. This role is essentially a ‘fail-safe’ that prevents an Administrator from inadvertently locking him/herself out. However, this is also a very powerful role so be judicious with whom you grant it to.