iWeb Single Sign On Options for MemberFuse Activated Groups
A Single Sign-On (SSO) solution for groups activated as Social Community groups is in place for both iWeb and eWeb. This solution will enable both iWeb and eWeb users to go directly to MemberFuse by clicking certain icons and hyperlinks without the need to sign into the MemberFuse community again.
iWeb SSO for Activated Groups
Group events in netFORUM
that have been activated in MemberFuse may be accessed directly through
iWeb by clicking the Go To MemberFuse icon
found on top of the profile and seen below on a netFORUM Event
Note: Ensure that the selected group event is set to allow group registration and that the Activate in Social Community flag is enabled.
When the Go To MemberFuse icon is clicked, a pop-up window will appear. You will be taken directly to the MemberFuse page for the selected group within the social community.
iWeb SSO is available for activated groups that this functionality exists for, including:
- Event groups
- Committee groups
- Membership groups