EWeb Implementation and Go-Live Checklist

Before beginning implementation consider the following questions:

  • What domain name is the client going to use for their eWeb site? They cannot use the IP address as the url and they can’t use the same domain name as their main site if it is separate from eWeb. (If client is moving their whole site into netFORUM, they can use their existing web site domain name, but they must change the DNS registration to the correct IP.)
  • Who will purchase the TLS certificate?
  • Who is setting up the domain and certificate registration?
  • How is the client going to handle login (email address, member id, single sign-on)?
  • How is the client going to populate passwords (data conversion, send members to “forgot password” page first time)

Other Considerations

Make sure client has a new domain name or subdomain name set up to use for eWeb if linking to eWeb from an original site. IF moving entire site from a different host to inside CMS, domain registration must be changed (allow 48 hours to take effect).

Make request to support to set up redirect to eWeb if client’s entire web site is done through netFORUM CMS.

Web.config file:

<add   key="verifyPassword"   value="true"/>

The default value is false for development and must be changed to true so that a password is required to log in to the live site.

Get IP address of client’s email server and use it to set system option SMTPServer.

Extensions for staff notifications on forms set to the correct template and email address (if any were added – customizations only).

System option EmailNotifyFrom needs to be set to email address provided by client

Network Support must create a Virtual folder that maps \iWeb\upload to \eWeb\upload folder. This is created so documents and images uploaded through iweb are available in the /eWeb/uploads folder and can appear on eWeb.

FileUploadDirectory system option needs to be changed from /Temp/ to /upload/ in order for upload process to work. See also Configure a Product to Sell Online .

Web.config file: default site for eWeb set correctly – for line


change eWeb to site code of client’s eWeb site.

Web.config file: if client is using email address for username make sure the following set:

<add   key="useEmailForAuthorization"   value="true"/>

PayFlow Pro set up (web.config file?) – should have live info, not test site.

Web.config – check that it is pointing to the live database.

Check all the default values in databases (including Web User).

Check the ForgotPassword Correspondence Template (template code set in the forgotPassword setting in /eWeb/web.config) to make sure client’s correct netFORUM eWeb URL address and website code are being used for link path of the clickable URL in the template text. Also add correct contact info email address to template. See Forgot password for more.

Make sure the following exist in iWeb > CRM > Customer Request Setup to enable the Organization Change Request feature. See Organization Change Request for exact details.

Enter a setting for TemplateBaseUrl system option. Should be http://domain name of client.

Create a Marketing Correspondence Template called ForgotPassword. (Must be copied from the Add email address for alternative email notify from if different than the setting for System option EmailNotifyFrom and replace the URL in the link to the Change Password page).

Additional Considerations


Deploy the site from the TEST/DEVELOPMENT environment to the LIVE/PRODUCTION environment.

If this is the default site on that Web Server, change this line in Web.Config (eWeb) <"add key="defaultWebSiteCode" value="MyNewSite"/> where "MyNewSite" is the Site code in the database
Map the Domain Name to the new IP –" if necessary When the IP address or Domain is accessed (and the site code is not passed as a parameter –" i.e. Site=MyNewSite) the value in 2. above is used 4.

When the site loads, the default system behavior is to load Startpage.aspx and query the database for its contents Login things to keep in mind:

<"add key="useEmailForAuthorization" value="true"/> - Causes the email address against the customer record to be evaluated with the password at login.

<"add key="verifyPassword" value="True"/> - Enforces password – this is sometimes set to false during development.


You must contact your Domain Name Registration Service (DNS) provider – Network Solutions, Register.com or whoever this is in your case and request that the address www.MyOrg.org should now map to your netFORUM IP address. You have to be the “Administrator” of your domain to do this. Please note that it takes 24-48 hours for the IP address change to propagate across the internet so your timing should work out well.


  1. Populate the web password fields (that is, run a data conversion script with a predetermined value such as Customer ID). The default login value is the email address.
  2. Send an email to customers notifying them of the new access information – Login and Password.


  1. Send an email to customers with a link to the Change Password page in eWeb. This eliminates the need for data conversion.
  2. Force each user to change their password when they log in. for better security – conversion script in 1. above will also set the value of “Force user to change…” to 1.