Customer Record

To access the Maintain Customers table go to Maintenance>Accounts Receivable>Customers.

  • Clicking Add Customer opens an empty Customer Record form.
  • Clicking a Customer ID opens the existing Customer Record form.
  • Note: The existing Customer Record form and empty Customer Record form are different. Use the empty Customer Record form to begin the addition of a customer. Then open the newly added Customer Record form to complete any needed information.

Add Customer Record Form Fields

The Add Customer Record form has three sections: Customer Details, Billing Address & Contact, and Shipping Address.

Fill out the fields on the form. Click the drop-down links below for more information on each section of the form and its fields.

User Defined Fields

Created by an administrator, user defined fields (UDF) have specific characteristics such as field type, character length, and default values specific to the field. All fields that display in this section are specific to your organization.

Edit Customer Record Form Fields

The Edit Customer Record form has two sections: Customer Details and Customer Details Tab.

Click the drop-down links below for more information on each section of the form and its fields.