Cash Receipts Session Form

Access this form by clicking the Start button (for a new session) or the Open button (for an existing session) on the Cash Receipts Form.

Starting or opening a session displays the document transactions associated with the session. Use this form to create, review, update, and\or delete receipt transactions.

This page assumes that you have all applicable General Ledger access rights.

To return to the Cash Receipts Form, click the Cash Receipts Form link on the title bar.

Form Format

The Cash Receipts session form has six sections described below.

Document List

Existing session documents are listed on the left under the search field. Click an existing document to load it into the session form.

Session Information

The Session Information section of the form includes the following information.

Note: Click the session name on the title bar to bring up the Session Information Form to make changes to session information.

Session Name: Lists the session name.

Session Date: Lists the session date.

Session Description: Lists the session description.

Session Status: List the session status: Batch to Suspend or Batch to Post.

Session Total: Lists the session total dollar amount.

Session Options

Before a document is selected or created, the form displays these options:

Copy Document: Click to display the Copy Posted Document Form.

Reverse Document: Click to display the Reverse Posted Document Form.

Recall Memorized Document: Click to display the Recall Memorized Document Form.

After a document is selected or created, the form displays these options:

Memorize Document: Click to display the Memorize Document Form.

Attachments: Click to display the Attachments Form.

Document Details

Use the Document Details fields to create or update an Accounts Receivable Credits Session Document.

Receipt: To create a new session document, enter a unique ID.

While any sequence of characters can be entered to identify the document, using a logical and consistent method of assigning IDs makes locating specific information much easier and provides a better audit trail.

To have the system assign a session ID:

  • Click the icon, or
  • Click in the Session ID field and press the '+' key on your keyboard's number pad.

To work with an existing invoice document, click one of the documents in the Document List.

The remaining fields and the buttons of the Accounts Payable Invoices Session form activate after a document ID is entered or an existing document is selected from the Document List.

Document Date: Accept the document date, or enter a valid date specific to this document.

Description: Enter a brief description of the receipt or accept the document description as a default.

Amount: Enter the amount of the receipt.

Deposit Number: Select a deposit number from the drop-down list or enter a new deposit number that includes this receipt. This number can be used to group multiple receipts for one deposit slip.

Note: Not entering a deposit number in this optional field will automatically group this, and all non-numbered deposits, together for the same day. This makes individually clearing the deposits unavailable in Bank Reconciliation.

Recipient ID: Select the recipient to associate with the cash receipt, or use the drop-down menu to help you select an ID. This ID is optional, and the box only displays if the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Reporting, and/or Payroll modules are installed.

Recipient Name: The recipient name is a non-editable field and is displayed when the Recipient ID is selected.

User Defined Fields

Created by an administrator, user defined fields (UDF) have specific characteristics such as field type, character length, and default values specific to the field. All fields that display in this section are specific to your organization.


The Transactions table lists the number of records for the invoice document. Click in a table entry to add or adjust an entry. Refer to Tips and Shortcuts for more information on working with tables of data.

Note: The columns available depend on the credit document record viewed.

GL Account: Lists the General Ledger Account code associated with the transaction.

Fund: Lists the fund code associated with the transaction.

Contract: Lists the transaction contract code.

Division: Lists the transaction division code.

Effective Date: Lists the transaction effective date.

Entry Type: Lists the transaction entry type.

Description: Lists the transaction description.

Debit: Lists the transaction debit amount.

Credit: Lists the transaction credit amount.

EditableTransLines: Lists the transaction editable lines.

NoneEditableTransLines: Lists the transaction non-editable lines.

UDF Fields: Includes any user definable fields.

Delete: Click delete to remove the transaction line from the credit document.

Distribution Codes: If your organization has one or more distribution codes defined, you can use them to simplify the process of entering related transactions by clicking the DISTRIBUTION CODES link at the top right of the Transactions table. See the Distribution Codes help topic for more details.

Applying Offsets: If your organization has appropriate offsets assigned for this account, you can apply them to the invoice by clicking the APPLY OFFSETS link at the top right of the Transactions table. Offsets are assigned using MIP Fund Accounting.

Debit, Credit, Net: For non-Budget transaction types, Credit and Debit transactions must balance before you can save a document.


Cancel: Click this button to clear the current receipt transaction document.

Delete - Click this button to delete the currently loaded receipt document. This button is disabled until an receipt document is loaded, or until a newly entered document is saved.

Save & New / Save / Save & Close - Click this button to save the current receipt transaction document. There are three variations of this button's functionality:

  • Save & New - Saves the current document and returns to the empty form.
  • Save - Saves the current document but leaves it on the screen for further edits.
  • Save & Close - Saves the current document and closes the session, returning to the Accounts Receivable Receipts Form.

Clicking the button performs the save version described by the button label. To use a different save functionality, click the up arrow on the right of the button; a menu appears with the other two options. As a time-saving measure, if you select one of these options, the default button label changes to match.