Manage Sessions

The Manage Sessions form displays when you select the Manage Session option under Sessions on the Transactions submenu. Use the Manage Sessions form to view posted sessions and edit unposted sessions quickly and easily.

Manage Session Form Fields

Use the Manage Session form fields to update sessions available in the system.

The Manage Sessions form fields are activated after selecting an existing session from the Sessions table. Unposted sessions form fields can be edited. Posted sessions form fields cannot be edited.

Session ID: The session ID is used to link each transaction to the session into which it was entered, making it possible to track the origin of any entry. For example, if you print a general ledger report and include the session ID column, the session ID for each debit or credit is listed in the report.

Status: Select an unposted session status from the drop-down list. The available values are BP (Batch-to-Post) and BS (Batch-to-Suspend). An unposted session whose status is BS cannot be posted until its status is updated to BP. You can add additional documents or transactions to a BP session up until you post it.

Description: Enter an unposted session description. The session description can be included in many detail reports such as the general ledger.

Session Date: Enter a valid date for this session. Enter any date, such as the date the session was created, the date the session was or will be posted, or the date of the transactions. The session date also serves as the default document date for each transaction in the session.

Note: Additional fields may be available depending on the transaction type selected. See the documentation for that transaction type for more information about those fields.

Cancel:: Click Cancel to clear the Manage Session form fields.


  • For an Unposted session selected from the Sessions table, click Open to proceed to the Document Page and continue entering transactions into the session.
    Or Click the down arrow on the right side of Open and click Save to save the session data without entering transactions.
  • For a Posted session selected from the Sessions table, click Open to continue working with transactions in the session.

Sessions Table

The Sessions table lists the existing sessions in the system.

Click a session ID in the Session ID column to proceed to the Document Page for that session. Click in the Status to Description area of the table for a session to load that session information into the Manage Sessions form fields.

Use the Sessions table to view, update, and manage sessions information in the system.

Search Sessions: Enter a sequence of characters to filter the list displayed in the Sessions table. For example, entering BP or BS will display only sessions with a status of BP or BS.

Unposted/Posted/All: Click Unposted, Posted, or All to filter the list displayed in the Sessions table.

List Records: Select how many items per page to display using the drop-down list. You can view items in the table in increments of 10, 20, 50, or 100.

Filter Column: The Filter icon displays in title bar for columns that are available for filtering.

Session ID: Lists the session IDs for the session records in the system. Click an unposted session ID to proceed to the Session for that transaction type.

Transaction Source: Lists the transaction source for the session transaction type: for example, BD for Budget or API for Accounts Payable Invoices. Clicking a session ID or opening a session takes you to the Transaction Source listed.

Status: Lists the status values: BP (Batch-to-Post) and BS (Batch-to-Suspend). Click a session status to load that session information into the Manage Sessions form fields. You can change an unposted session status. However, a session whose status is BS cannot be posted until its status is updated to BP.

Posted Status: Lists the posted status for each session record in the system.

Session Date: Lists the session date for the session records in the system. Click a session date to load that session information into the Manage Sessions form fields.

Description: Lists the session description for the session records in the system. Click a session description to load that session information into the Manage Sessions form fields.

Action: Lists the available action for the session records in the system.

  • Delete: Click Delete to remove an unposted session record from the system.
  • Copy Click Copy to open the Copy Session Form for a posted session.
  • Reverse Click Reverse to open the Reverse Session Form for a posted session.

Select: Click the Select check box to select unposted sessions that have a status of BP. Click the Select check box located in the title bar of the Manage Sessions table to select all unposted sessions that have a status of BP in the Manage Sessions table. The Session Lock displays when the session has been posted.

Post Selected: Click Post Selected to post the selected unposted sessions that have a status of BP.

Note: You must have Process rights in MIP for the Activities > Manage Sessions menu item in order to successfully post transactions.

Reset Grid: The Reset Grid button will reset the specific table to its default order. See the Tips and Shortcuts page for more information on reorganizing grids.