Adding a Web Site Page
You can add a Web site page from the Web Site Content directory tree.
Note: In order for a Web page to display on your Web Site, you will need to create a link for the Web page using the Navigation tab.
To add a new Web page:
Select the Web Site module tab.
Select the Content tab.
Look for the appropriate section in the Web Site Content directory tree and click the Add Page
In the Web Page Information window, the Web Site field shows the acronym that has been designated for your site. The Web Section field shows the name of the section where the Web page will reside. (If this is not the correct section for the Web page, click the Cancel button.)
In the Page Name field, enter a unique name for the Web page. (This name will appear in the Destination Page drop-down list in the Web Link Information window when you create a navigation link.)
In the Page Code field, enter a page code. It may be the same as the Page Name, however, don't use spaces between words and don't use symbols such as dashes or ampersands. The Page Code will be used in the URL for your page and must be unique; no other Web page can have the same Page Code.
Set the Security Settings and Behavior (optional):
If you want to require users to log in before they are allowed to view this section, select the Requires Login check box.
If you want only members with valid memberships to be able to view this section, select the Members-Only Access check box. You may also set your pages to be viewed by specific Member Types as well. View the Help topic on Setting up Members-Only Web Page Access for more information on both options.
If you want the section to override the site defaults you defined for the navigation bar, header, or footer, select the Exclude Site Defaults check box. This is sometimes used for custom sections that are pop-up windows or a section that appears within another section, etc. (Most of the time, this will not be selected.)
To add keywords to enable search engines to find the Web page, enter the keywords in the Metatag Keyword field.
To add formatting to your page, you can use the Body Tag Attributes field. (Use this field only if you are experienced with HTML.)
Click Save. After you save the Web page information, the new Web page will appear in the directory tree.
If you selected the Page Requires Login check box to indicate that a login ID is required to access the page, a lock icon will appear next to the Web page name in the directory tree. If you selected the Members-Only Access check box, a person icon will appear next to the Web page name in the directory tree.