Enabling New Visitor Registration
The New Visitor tab in the Web Site Editor allows you to set up the experience that new visitors will have when they sign in to eWeb for the first time. There are two sub-tabs under the New Visitor tab. The New Visitor Individual Settings tab allows you to customize questions on the individual's personal information. The New Visitor Organization Settings tab allows you to indicate whether new registrants should see questions on their organization and have the opportunity to add new organization information during the setup process. You may specify notification e-mail addresses under both tabs.
Individual Information Settings
- The Allow new visitor registrations check-box allows you to enable new visitors to register on the eWeb site. If this box is not checked, new visitors will be unable to register on eWeb.
- Using the E-mail settings, indicate the welcome e-mail, if any, to be sent to new registrants. You may also specify the staff person(s) to receive registration-related and update-related notification e-mails.
- The individual tabs allow you to customize the requests for information that new visitors receive during the sign-in process. Each tab contains different individual options such as address, phone, and fax options to name a few. Expanding a tab enables you to view and select those options and choose whether or not to make the option required. For example, a new registrant may be asked for title, work address, etc. upon creating an account. You may also opt to make those fields required entries for new visitors, forcing them to complete the fields before continuing with the new visitor registration process.
Organization Information Settings
- In the E-mail settings section, indicate the staff person to receive organization-related notification e-mails.
- The organization tabs allow you to customize the requests for information that new visitors receive during the sign-in process that is organization specific. Each tab contains different organization options such as organization address, phone, and fax options to name a few. Expanding a tab enables you to view and select those options and choose whether or not to make the option required. For example, a new registrant may be asked for their organization name/information. You can opt to require organization name/information using the Organization Information tab and make the organization name read-only, as well.
- Remaining organization tab options allow you to customize the requests for organization information that new visitors receive during the sign-in process. For example, requests for the organization work address, billing address, phone number, etc. You may also opt to make certain fields required entries for new visitors, forcing them to complete the fields that you mark as required in order to continue with the new visitor registration process.
When a new visitor registers, an individual record is created in your database for the customer. To enable new visitor registration, first select the Allow new visitor registrations check-box on the New Visitor tab in the Web Site Editor. The My Information tab is then used to specify whether or not those fields may be edited later (or simply viewed only) from the My Information hyperlink on eWeb by customers. See Editing and Viewing My Information on eWeb for more information.