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Listing Specific Records with Group Item Links

Use the Group Item Link framework to create links that will allow your users to list specific records without first accessing a Find or Query form. By using DynamicLink.aspx, a Group Item Link can open a set of records filtered by a SQL WHERE clause. When DynamicLink.aspx loads, the the system will automatically redirect to the List page and the WHERE clause will be applied to the results. By using DynamicList.aspx and setting the Query parameter to the key for an existing Query, a Group Item Link can open a List page with the query results. This allows for the use of more complicated WHERE clauses for more advanced filtering and allows your users to specify what data elements they want to display in the results. When DynamicList.aspx loads, the the system will run the Query and display on the List page only those records that met the query conditions.

DynamicList.aspx or DynamicQuery.aspx?

DynamicLink.aspx is easier to create and deploy, but linking to a Query by using DynamicList.aspx is more powerful because you and your users can specify more advanced filtering and select what data elements to display in the results. If you have only one or two conditions in your SQL WHERE clause, then use DynamicLink.aspx. If your criteria is more complicated, if you want your users to be able to input their own values for the criteria, or if you want your users to control what data is shown on the list results, then use DynamicList.aspx.

Note: From a user experience perspective, take care not to overuse this feature! You might overwhelm your users with links and generate confusion about which links do what. It is best to use this feature only for very frequently used queries.