About Group Item Links

About Listing Specific Records

Add and Edit Group Item Link Forms

Group Item Link Procedures

Group Item Link Profile Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Find Group Item Link Form

The Find Group Item Link form can be opened from two places in the the system.

Enter information in one or more fields to find Group Item Links.


Advanced View: Select this check box to display a drop-down list of Boolean operators for each search field.

Group Key: Select the name of the Content Group for the Group Item Link

Item Key: Select the name of the Group Item for the Group Item Link

Link Text: Enter in the text for the Group Item Link.

Link Path: Enter the path to the location of the file that will open when the Group Item Link is clicked. /forms is an example of an iWeb location.

Link File: Enter the name of the file that opens when the Group Item Link is clicked. Typically, this will be an active server page such as DynamicEdit.aspx.

Link Parameters: Enter Querystring parameters. Enter a ? (question mark) before entering the parameters.

Link Description: This field is deprecatedA deprecated field is no longer used and should be avoided, but has not been removed from the software.. But, you can enter a description to locate Group Item Links that were added into the the system before the field was deprecated.

Dynamic Form: Enter the name of the form that opens when the Group Item Link is clicked.

Delete Flag: Select this check box to locate Group Item Links that have been hidden/disabled (soft-deleted).

List Add Icon: Select this check box to locate Add Group Item Links that open an Add page when a user clicks the add button on a List page.

Link Key: Enter the Group Item Link key (cgi_key).

Example: In baseline netFORUM, enter 732BF2DA-8629-4C3B-A8BD-07768E8529C6 in this field to open the Profile page for the Accounting module, Invoice Group Item, Find Invoice Group Item Link.


The Find Group Item Link form has common Toolkit buttons. See Common Toolkit Find Form Buttons for descriptions.