Process Manager Window

The Process Manager window contains the Favorites Tab, Reports Tab, Charts Tab, and Forms Tab. Each tab groups items by process or menu and makes them selectable in a collapsible format within folders . You can also store frequently used reports , charts , custom links, and forms in the Favorites tab for easy retrieval. Processes are easier than ever to access and organize.

To gain more workspace while running in Navigator View, you can auto-hide the Process Manager window using the thumbtack next to the Process Manager title bar. By clicking the thumbtack, the Process Manager window docks to the right of the Task window. To display the Process Manager window again, point to the area of the screen where the Process Manager window is located, and click the thumbtack again.

The Process Manager window is dynamic and dockable due to its ability to be positioned at any point in the screen. Drag and drop it to the desired position. You can also adjust the window size by using the "resize handles" on the side.

Favorites Tab

  • The Favorites tab groups reports, charts, custom links, and forms into customizable folders and subfolders for quick access. To add an item in the Favorites folder , select the item from the Reports, Charts, or Forms tab, right-click, and then select Add to Favorites. To keep the Favorites folder organized, create new custom folders, and then drag and drop items into them.
  • This tab contains shortcuts. Click the Favorites tab, select an item, right-click, and then select one of the following functions:
  • Note: Not all right-click functions are available for every item (chart, folder, form, or report). These selections change depending on where you right-click.

    • Apply to Charting Task Window - If you right-click on a chart, displays the chart in the Charting function>Task window. The system displays the sample chart until a custom chart is assigned in its place. To view the assigned custom chart, you must refresh the window using View>Refresh.
    • Collapse - If you right-click on a folder that is expanded, hides all items beneath the folder.
    • Create New Folder - If you right-click on a folder, a new folder is created beneath it. You should rename the folder to something meaningful to you.
    • Create Custom Link - If you right-click on the Favorites folder or in the white space below the folders, creates a link to shortcuts for applications, documents, websites, and so on. This makes it easy to open them and include them in your processes. The system displays the program icon associated with the link.
    • Delete Public Folders - If you right-click on a folder or the white space below the folders, deletes a public folder. The drop-down list displays the properties of the folder. You can only delete public folders that you have created or imported. Therefore, you can rename, modify, or delete an imported folder without affecting the public folder from which it was copied.
    • Edit - If you right-click on a report or chart, displays the form where the item was set up.
    • Expand - If you right-click on a folder that is collapsed, displays all items beneath the folder.
    • Help - If you right-click in the white space below the folders, accesses context sensitive help for this tab.
    • Import Public Folders - If you right-click on a Favorites folder or the white space below the folders, imports a public Favorites folder and copies it into your Favorites folder. The drop-down list displays the properties of the folder. You can rename or modify the imported folder without affecting the public folder from which it was copied.
    • Open - If you right-click on an existing link or form, displays the item.
    • Publish Public Folder - If you right-click on a custom folder, copies the folder and makes it available for other user to import. Each user must choose Import Public Folder to see the folder. If a folder is updated and you want to share the changes, you must publish it again, and the users must import again. Note that the folder cannot be re-published with the same name. And, only the person who created the public folder can publish it.
    • Remove From Favorites - If you right-click on an item, removes it from the Favorites tab. This does not delete the item; it only removes the shortcut.
    • Rename - If you right-click on a folder, report, chart, custom link, or form, enter a new name. You can also rename by clicking F2 while on one of these items.
    • Run - If you right-click on a chart or report, launches the item.

Reports Tab

  • The Reports tab groups reports by process in a collapsible format within folders. For example, Accounts Payable type reports display when the Accounts Payable function is selected on the Navigator panel. Click the plus (+) sign to expand the list of available subfolders and reports .
  • This tab contains shortcuts. Click the Reports tab, select an item, right-click, and then select one of the following functions:
    • Add to Favorites - If you right-click on a report, adds it to the Favorites tab. This does not move the item; it only creates a shortcut to the report.
    • Edit - If you right-click on a report, displays the form where the report was set up. You can modify the report setup here.
    • Help - If you right-click in the white space below the folders, accesses context sensitive help for this tab.
    • Run - If you right-click on a report, launches the actual report.

Charts Tab

  • On the Process Manager window, a Charts tab replaces the Reports tab when the Charting function is selected on the Navigator panel. The Charts tab allows you to organize charts based on your financial data. The Charts tab groups charts by source and makes them selectable in a collapsible format within folders . You can also store frequently used charts in the Favorites tab for easy retrieval, putting key financial indicators at your fingertips. The Charts tab is only available in the Accounting Navigator.
  • You can activate charts using the Charting function>Process Manager window> Charts tab. Click the plus (+) sign to expand the list of available subfolders , reports , charts . To create a new chart based on a report, open the Report Setup form, set up the report, click Chart Settings , and set up the chart.

  • This tab contains shortcuts. Click the Charts tab, select an item, right-click, and then select one of the following functions:
    • Add to Favorites - If you right-click on a chart or report, adds the item to the Favorites tab. This does not move the item; it only creates a shortcut to the chart or report.
    • Apply to Charting Task Window - If you right-click on a chart, displays the chart in the Charting function>Task window. The system displays the sample chart until a custom chart is assigned in its place. To view the assigned custom chart, you must refresh the window using View>Refresh.
    • Edit - If you right-click on a report or chart, displays the Report Setup or Chart Settings forms, where the item was set up. You can modify the settings here.
    • Help - If you right-click in the white space below the folders, accesses context sensitive help for this tab.
    • Remove from Charting Task Window - If you right-click on a chart, the system no longer displays the sample chart in the task window.
    • Run - If you right-click on a report or chart, launches the item.
    • Note that the system only displays the menu structure for reports that can have charts.

Forms Tab

  • The Forms tab displays all forms, grouped by menu, and makes them selectable in a collapsible format. Every menu item is always available. By expanding any menu, you can view the forms available for each selection.
  • This tab contains shortcuts. Click the Forms tab, select an item, right-click, and then select one of the following functions:
    • Add to Favorites - If you right-click on a form, adds it to the Favorites tab. This does not move the item; it only creates a shortcut to the form.
    • Open - If you right-click on a form, displays the Report Setup form.
  • You can select more than one item (report, chart, or form) and Add to Favorites or Remove from Favorites. Press the Ctrl key to select individual items or the Shift key to select consecutive items. If you select a folder, the folder itself will not be added or removed from the Favorites tab; only its contents are affected.
  • The Process Manager window can be turned on or off using View>Process Manager or by clicking the Minimize/Restore buttons (located in the top right corner of the window).
  • The Navigator is customizable and can be reset to the system default view using View>Reset to Default View.
  • To access the Process Manager and Help Links windows, if it has been closed while in the Navigator, select View>Show Windows in Form View. You should verify that View>Process Manager and View>Help Link are also selected.