Going Shopping

The Shopping Wizard allows you to shop for a variety of products, including merchandise, subscriptions, memberships, event registrations, exhibits, and funds. Navigate to the Shopping Wizard from the CRM Overview page, the individual profile, or the organization profile. Follow the step-by-step process of the Shopping Wizard to make a purchase. For more information on the eWeb shopping interface and its functions, view Understanding the Shopping Interface.

Note: The Shopping Wizard may also be reached through the Event Registration Wizard.  For more information on registering for an event, view the Registering for an Event From the Event Profile help topic.

Navigating to the Shopping Wizard

Shop on behalf of an individual or an organization from the CRM Overview page, the Individual Profile, or  the Organization Profile. To reach the Shopping Wizard from these locations, follow the steps in the sections below.

Shopping From the CRM Overview Page

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the main navigation bar. In the drop-down menu, click CRM.
  2. On the CRM / Overview page. Click the Go Shopping hyperlink in the Managing Your Customer Information section.

  1. On the Shopping, Select Customer page, select the Customer Name of the individual or organization that you want to shop for (required).
    Enter all or part of the customer name and click the Lookup button to select the desired customer, or leave the field blank and click the Lookup button to select a customer from the complete list.

  2. Once the customer has been selected, click the Go to Shopping button. The Shopping page for the selected customer will appear. Select the desired products and use the Shopping Wizard to complete the purchase.

Shopping From Individual and Organization Profiles

  1. Navigate to an Individual or Organization profile.
  2. Hover over the Actions icon and click Shopping in the drop-down menu.

  1. The Shopping page for the selected individual or organization will appear. Select the desired products and use the Shopping Wizard to complete the purchase.

Using the Shopping Wizard

  1. Navigate to the Shopping page from the CRM Overview page or the Individual or Organization Profile. Here you can page through products using the page navigation icons, highlighted in the example below.

    At the top of the page, the customer's name is displayed. If the customer is a member, you will also see their membership status.  If the customer receives membership benefits from an Organization through benefits flowdown that is also noted.

  1. To search for a product, use the Shop for drop-down field to select the product type. Possible product types can include Top 100 Products, Donation/Fund, Event, Exhibit, Membership, and more. You can also use the Search for field to enter and search for a specific product.

    Once a Shop for type has been selected and/or criteria has been entered in the Search for field, click Go to search the product list. If any results are returned by your search, they will appear in the product list area.

  2. Note: Individuals and organizations have different product types available on the Shopping page. For example, organizations can search for and purchase exhibits and exhibit booths but individuals cannot.

    Once you have located the desired product on the Shopping page, note that you can view product details under the product title. If prices for Members and for Non-Members have been set up, these will be displayed under the product name. If the customer being shopped for is not a member, the member price will be crossed out and unavailable. Select the desired product by clicking the linked Product Name.

    You can also click the View Details hyperlink to view the details window for a product. Keep in mind that certain product types, such as donations and exhibit booths, do not display the option to View Details.

  1. Click the linked product title to select it and open the Product Details page.

  1. On the Product Details page, the appropriate price is automatically selected based on whether or not the customer is a member.
    Specify any information appropriate to the product being purchased.  If you selected a Fund product type as in the example below, you can specify a Fund Amount, Select the Purpose, and enter In Honor Of and In Memory Of information.  These options differ depending on the type of product selected.

    Note: For memberships that are ready for renewal, a message displays prompting you to click OK to add the membership as an open order to your cart and complete the order. Click cancel to skip adding the membership and return to the shopping cart.

  2. Click the Add to Cart button. The Shopping Cart will load. (To return to the Shopping page without adding the product to your cart, click the Continue Shopping button.)

  1. Preview your order in the Shopping Cart. You may change the product Quantity.  If you have administrative privileges, you may also change the Item Price—the Price and Subtotal fields automatically update when the Item Price field is changed. If you make any changes, click the Update Cart button.

  2. To track the source of the order, select a Source Code from the drop-down menu.

  3. To remove an item from the Shopping Cart, click the Delete icon next to the item to be removed.

  4. To remove all items in the cart, click the Empty Cart button. Apply a discount by entering a code in the Discount Code field and clicking Apply Discount.

  5. When you are ready to complete your order, click the Check Out button.

  6. If the customer has any unpaid orders, they will be listed on the Select Orders page. Click the check box next to the order(s) you would like to include in the payment amount for this checkout process. This page (example below) will not be displayed if the customer has no unpaid invoices.

  7. Click Next to continue.

  8. Proceed through Checkout as described on the Checking Out in iWeb help topic.