Add and Edit Content Group Forms

The Add Content Group and Edit Content Group forms can be opened from several places.

Use the Add Content Group and Edit Content Group forms to add a new Content Group to netFORUM or to edit an existing one.

Note: The Edit Content Group form and the Content Group Profile page are the same.


group name: Enter the name that displays in the Modules menu. Duplicate group names are not allowed. This field is required.

group description: Enter more details about the Content Group.

group order: Enter the order in which the Content Group displays in the Modules menu and on the List Content GroupsList Results page. This field is required.

css file:

icon file:

Metadata Lock: Select this check box to prevent the Deploy Tool from updating this record when upgrading netFORUM. This check box is not displayed on the Add Content Group form.

Note: If you change the name of a baseline Content Group record, Abila recommends that you do not lock it. After a build upgrade, edit the record to change the name back to the desired name.

hide/disable record: Select this check box to remove this record from the netFORUM display. This will soft-delete the record. This check box is not displayed on the Add Content Group form.

insert after save / keep values: Add additional records at this time by selecting the insert after save check box. A new Add form displays after the current record is saved. The information on the new form defaults to the information from the current record if the keep values check box is selected.


Content Group Add and Edit forms have common Toolkit buttons. See Common Toolkit Add and Edit Form Buttons for descriptions.The following buttons are on a Edit Content Group form (only).

navigation VCR buttons: These are typically common Profile page buttons, but they are available because the Edit Content Group form and the Content Group Profile page are the same. Use these buttons to scroll through the Content Group records.

manage group items: Click this button to edit Group Items for the Content Group.

Other Items

save mode: The action performed by the the system when the Save button is clicked. The save mode is Insert on the Add Content Group form and Update on the Edit Content Group form.

created / updated: The record's create user and date and change user and date. These items are not displayed on the Add Content Group form.