You are here: Advanced Topics > Designing Interactive Reports > Editing a Column

Editing a Column

Columns can be edited to enhance the meaningfulness of column data and overall clarity of the report.

To edit a column:

  1. Click the pencil icon.
  2. The selected column border outline turns green and these formatting options display:

    • Column:  The name of the column being edited.
    • Column Label:  Used to rename column - change visible when report is run.

    • Text Alignment:  Used to set column text alignment - dynamically updates.

    • Width:  Used to set the column width - dynamically updates.

    Note: Many columns display sample data until the report is run.

  3. Adjust the Column Label, Text Alignment, and Width to the needed parameters.
  4. Click Save as described in Saving the Dataset or continue Creating the Dataset.
  5. Note: Selecting another column to edit automatically saves any changes.