Resetting a Forgotten netFORUM Pro Login Password
Forgetting your password to an application can be a time consuming inconvenience. netFORUM Pro has mitigated this inconvenience by including a forgotten password feature that allows you to quickly reset your forgotten password and minimize your downtime.
To reset your forgotten password, complete the following steps:
- Use your browser to navigate to the netFORUM Pro log-in screen.
- Click the Forgot Your Password? hyperlink. This will launch the Forgot Your Password? screen.
- Enter your netFORUM Pro user name in the Username field.
- Enter your e-mail address in the E-Mail Address field.
- Click the Send
E-Mail button.
This will send an e-mail to the address you entered, with a temporary password. Additionally, the Forgot Your Password? form will update to include the Click to change your temporary password hyperlink.
- Click the Click to change your temporary password hyperlink. This will launch the Change Your Password form.
- Enter your user name in the User Name field.
- Enter the temporary password that was e-mailed to you in the Current Password field.
- Type a new password into the New Passwordfield. This is the password you will use to log into netFORUM Pro.
- Retype the new password in the Password Repeat field to ensure password accuracy.
- Click the Change Password button. You will be taken to the Customer Log-in page where you will use your new password to log into netFORUM Pro.
When changing your password, remember:
- Passwords must be at least seven characters long
- passwords must include both letters and numbers,
- passwords must not be one of the previous four passwords you have used for netFORUM Pro, and
- your new password will expire in 90 days.