You are here: Getting Started > First Steps > Resetting a Forgotten netFORUM Pro Login Password

Resetting a Forgotten netFORUM Pro Login Password

Forgetting your password to an application can be a time consuming inconvenience. netFORUM Pro has mitigated this inconvenience by including a forgotten password feature that allows you to quickly reset your forgotten password and minimize your downtime.

To reset your forgotten password, complete the following steps:

  1. Use your browser to navigate to the netFORUM Pro log-in screen.

  1. Click the Forgot Your Password?  hyperlink. This will launch the Forgot Your Password? screen.

  1. Enter your netFORUM Pro user name in the Username field.
  2. Enter your e-mail address in the E-Mail Address field.
  3. Click the Send E-Mail button.
    This will send an e-mail to the address you entered, with a temporary password. Additionally, the Forgot Your Password? form will update to include the Click to change your temporary password hyperlink.

  1. Click the Click to change your temporary password hyperlink. This will launch the Change Your Password form.

  1. Enter your user name in the User Name field.
  2. Enter the temporary password that was e-mailed to you in the Current Password field.
  3. Type a new password into the New Passwordfield. This is the password you will use to log into netFORUM Pro.
  4. Retype the new password in the Password Repeat field to ensure password accuracy.
  5. Click the Change Password button. You will be taken to the Customer Log-in page where you will use your new password to log into netFORUM Pro.