You are here: Advanced Topics > Calculated Dues Rates > Using Calculated Dues with Step and Increments

Using Calculated Dues with Step and Increments

In the previous calculated dues examples (see Setting Up Dues Rates Parameters for Calculated Dues), a number of employees data range was specified for membership dues rate. When an organization fell within that given range, a flat dues rate was charged for that range. To use an incremental formula instead, for every X number of employees, add X dollars to a base dues rate. This type of calculated dues can be easily set up using the Step and Increment fields.

Setting up a step and increment calculated dues rate is similar to a ranged calculated dues rate. First specify a Default Dues Rate and then GoTo the Dues Rate Profile and add a dues range. Also specify the range to include in the demographic collection. In the example below, a range is set up for between 501 and 1000 employees.

Step and Increment Dues Rate calculations then assume the following:

  • The dues rate begins with the Base Dues Rate field.
  • For every additional number (of employees) specified in the Step field above the High Range field the Base Dues Rate field will be incremented by the amount in the Increment field.

For example, using the image above, when an organization containing between 501-1000 employees purchases this Member Type, the base Dues Rate starts at $1000.00. Assume that the organization has 13,400 employees. The steps below illustrate how the Dues Rate would then be calculated using the Dues Rate Step and Increment fields above.

  1. For every 50 [Step Field] employees above 1000 [High Range field], the Base Dues Rate [1000] is incremented by $50.00 [Increment Field].  The following formula is used: 
  2. Number of Employees / Step Field = Number of Additional Employees Above Base Dues Rate Cutoff
  3. Increment Field * Number of Additional Employees Above Base Dues Rate Cutoff = New Dues Rate
  4. Given that: 13,400 / 50 = 268 [Number of Additional Employees Above Base Dues Rate Cutoff]
  5. 50.00 [Increment field] x 268 [Number of Steps(s) contained in number of employees example used] = 13,400 [New Dues Rate]
  6. This means that, an organization with 13,400 employees would be charged 13,400 to purchase this membership type.

Just as with all Calculated Dues methods, finalize the Dues Rate Profile once a method is selected and apply additional conditions as needed.