You are here: Advanced Topics > Creating Custom Queries > Step 3 - Add Columns to Results List

Step 3 - Add Columns to Results List

Step 3: Add Columns to Results List is divided into these areas:

  • The Add Columns to Results List - lists the columns available to build the custom query results
  • The Select Column and Remove Column buttons - moves a column between the results lists
  • The Defined Results List - lists the columns selected to build the custom query results
  • The Move Column buttons - moves a column up, down, to the top, or to the bottom of the Defined Results List

To set the custom query result list following a plan from Planning a Custom Query:

  1. Click to highlight a column name in the Add Columns to Results List and click the Select Column button to add the selection to the Defined Results List.
  2. or

    Click to highlight a column name in the Defined Results List and click the Remove Column button to move the selection to the Add Columns to Results List.

  3. Click to highlight a column name in the Defined Results List and click a Move Column button to adjust the order of the list.

    Continue with Saving and Naming Custom Queries