What are the Accounting Transaction Types?
When viewing transactions in netFORUM Pro or pulling batch reports, certain transaction codes may appear. A list of transaction types appears below.
- Ch : Charge
Used to create a charge.
- Cr : Credit
Used to create a credit.
- CrApp : Credit Applied
Used when a credit is applied.
- ChCanFee : Cancel Fee Charge
Used to create a cancelled fee charge.
- CanUP : Cancel Unpaid Amount
Used to create a cancellation for an unpaid amount.
- CrCanPay : Credit Cancel Payment Credit - Closed Batch
Only used for payments in closed batches. Creates a credit.
- CrCanPayA : Credit Cancel Payment Audit
Used when an invoice is cancelled with a credit card, and does not create a credit. Used when the payment is in either an open or closed Batch
- CrCanPay2 : Credit Cancel Payment Credit - Open Batch
Used for payments in open batches, and creates a credit. Used only when the payment is in an open batch.
- CanUPAdjA : Cancel Unpaid Amount Adjustment Audit
Used when an amount unpaid is cancelled, and does not create a credit.
- DscCanAdjA : Discount Cancel Adjustment Audit
Used when a discount is cancelled, and does not create a credit.
- Pay: Payment
Used to create a payment.
- PayCanAdjA : Payment Cancel Adjustment Audit
Used as an adjustment for the GL and does not create a Credit. It is only used when the payment is in a closed batch.
- PayCanAdjC : Payment Cancel Adjustment Credit
Used as an adjustment for the GL and creates a Credit. It is only used when the Payment is in a closed Batch.
- PayCanAdjN : Payment Cancel Adjustment No Credit
Used as an Adjustment for the GL and does not create a Credit. Used when the Payment is in either an open or closed batch.
- WOff : Write Off
Used to create a write off.
- RefChk : Refund Check
Used to create a refund check.
- RefCC : Refund Credit Card
Used to create a credit card refund.
- Adj : Adjustment
Used to create an adjustment.
- Void : Void
Used to create a void for a GL entry.
- Dsc : Discount
Used to create a discount.
- Tax : Tax
Used to create a tax item.
- Ship : Shipping
Used to create a shipping item.
Transactions and Associated Transaction Types
Common accounting transactions and their associated transaction codes are displayed below, along with associated example entries for each ledger type.
Cash Transactions
Closed Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Once the product has been purchased and a payment received, the batch is processed and the following actions are possible:
Action A
Create Credit check box checked. Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
CancelInvoiceAdjustment (PayCanAdjA)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
CancelPaymentCredit (CrCanPay) - Credit Record
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action B
Create Payment check box checked. Cancel payment through the Payment Profile.
Cancel Payment
CancelPaymentCreditAdjustment (PayCanAdjC) - Credit Record
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Action C
Credit Payment check box not checked.
Cancel Payment
CancelPaymentNoCreditAdjustment (PayCanAdjN)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Action E1
Write Off
WriteOff (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
Important: This invoice cannot be voided after the batch has been processed.
Open Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action A
Create Credit check box checked. Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
CancelPaymentCredit (CrCanPay2)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Action B
Void Payment
Payment removed from GL. Only the charge will be present
Action C
Void Invoice
Payment and charge record removed.
Check Transactions
Closed Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Once the product has been purchased and a payment received, the batch is processed and the following actions are possible:
Action A
Create Credit check box checked. Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
CancelInvoiceAdjustment (PayCanAdjA)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
CancelPaymentCredit (CrCanPay) - Credit Record
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action B
Create Payment check box checked. Cancel payment through the Payment Profile.
Cancel Payment
CancelPaymentCreditAdjustment (PayCanAdjC)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Action B1
Add Payment
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action B2
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Payment Amount (PayCanAdj)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Cancel Paid Credit (CrCanPay)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action C
Credit Payment check box not checked.
Cancel Payment
CancelPaymentNoCreditAdjustment (PayCanAdjN)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Action E1
Write Off
WriteOff (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Important: This invoice cannot be voided after the batch has been processed.
Open Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action A
Create Credit check box checked. Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Paid Credit (CrCanPay2)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Action B
Void Payment
Payment removed from GL. Only the charge will be present
Action C
Void Invoice
Payment and charge record removed.
Credit Card Transactions
Closed Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Once the product has been purchased and a payment received, the batch is processed and the following actions are possible:
Action A
Issue Credit refund for single card payment check boxchecked. Create Credit check box checked. (Default) Cancel Invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Paid Credit (CrCanPayA) - No credit. Used for audit trail. |
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Refund Credit Card (RefCC) - No credit. Refund credit card. |
Debit |
Credit |
Liability |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Action B
Issue credit refund for singe card payment not checked. Create Credit check box checked. (Default) Cancel Invoice through the Invoice Profile (not refunded, credit created)
Cancel Invoice
Adjustment (PayCanAdjA) - No Credit
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Cancel Paid Credit (CrCanPay) - Credit Record- No Credit |
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts receivable |
100 |
Action C
Credit Payment check box checked. Cancel Payment through the Payment Profile. Refunded; no credit given. |
Cancel Payment
Adjustment (PayCanAdjA) - No credit. |
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Refund Credit Card (RefCC) - No credit; refund cc. |
Debit |
Credit |
Liability |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Action D
Credit Payment check box not checked (not refunded or credited). |
Cancel Payment
Adjustment (PayCanAdjN)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Important: This invoice cannot be voided after the batch has been processed.
Open Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action A
Issue Credit refund for single card payment check box checked. Create Credit check box checked. (Default) Cancel Invoice through the Invoice Profile. |
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Paid Credit (CrCanPayA)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Refund Credit Card (RefCC)
Debit |
Credit |
Liability |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Action B
Issue credit refund for singe card payment not checked. Create Credit check box checked. (Default) Cancel Invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Paid Credit (CrCanPay2)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Action D
Void Payment
Refund Credit Card (RefCC)
Debit |
Credit |
Liability |
100 |
Cash |
100 |
Action F
Void Invoice
Payment and charge record removed. A refund CC record will be added to the invoice, but not picked up by processing the batch; thus not affecting the GL.
Bill Me & Mail My Check
Closed Batch
Bill Me w/Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Once the product has been purchased and a payment received, the batch is processed and the following actions are possible:
Action A
Credit Payment check box checked . Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile. |
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Unpaid Amount (CanUp)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action B
Add Cash Payment
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Open Batch
Bill Me w/Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Action A
Credit Payment check box checked . Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile. |
Cancel Invoice
Cancel Unpaid Amount (CanUp)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action B
Add Cash Payment
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Pay in Full Credit
Closed Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Once the product has been purchased and a payment received, the batch is processed and the following actions are possible:
Action A
Create Credit check box checked. Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
CancelInvoiceAdjustment (PayCanAdjA)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Applied Credit Cancel (CrAppCan)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action B
Create Payment check box checked . Cancel payment through the Payment Profile.
Cancel Payment
CancelPaymentCreditAdjustment (PayCanAdjC)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Important: This invoice cannot be voided after the batch has been processed.
Open Batch
Create Invoice
Charge (Ch)
Debit |
Credit |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Revenue |
100 |
Payment Received
Payment (Pay)
Debit |
Credit |
Cash |
100 |
Accounts Receivable |
100 |
Action A
Create Credit check box checked . Cancel invoice through the Invoice Profile.
Cancel Invoice
Applied Credit Cancel (CrAppCan)
Debit |
Credit |
Revenue |
100 |
Liability |
100 |
Action B
Void Payment
Payment removed from GL. Only the charge will be present.
Action C
Void Invoice
Payment and charge record removed.