You are here: Advanced Topics > Real Estate Associations > Data Transfer Overview

Data Transfer Overview

As mentioned, updates or adds made in netFORUM will push updates to NRDS. When these updates are appear in NRDS is dependent on the NRDS data queue; and the volume it is experiencing. 

Updates are sent to NRDS only when you edit and save a specific type of customer record.  Membership has to be included in the record for the data transfer to occur which means simply creating an individual record will not send an update to NRDS.

Member types recognized by NAR for data transfer are:

  • R - Realtor
  • RA - Realtor Associate
  • I - Institute Affiliate
  • AFF - Local or state Affiliate member
  • S - Association Staff
  • N - Non member licensee

Memberships have to be set to Primary in netFORUM Pro.

To create or edit an individual or Office record in a Realtor entity, refer to the NRDS Data Transfer Matrix to review the required fields for NRDS data transfer and to see a list of all the fields that netFORUM Pro will send to NRDS in addition to the required fields.

Data push and pull from NRDS will process every hour.