Reports for Real Estate Associations
The Real Estate specific reports are:
MLS Office Export and MLS Member Export – Both of these reports are used to pull customer data from MLS for clients that interface with MLXchange. netFORUM Pro for Real Estate Association clients that use systems other than MLS can then use the Query Tool to create an export for that vendor.
Member by Member Type – This report shows all of the primary and secondary/supplemental memberships for a customer. Note: This is the only report available in netFORUM Pro for Real Estate Associations that will show supplemental memberships for a customer. This is because supplemental memberships are outside of netFORUM Pro’s transactional membership functionality.
Real Estate Broker Report – This report allows users to pull a list of agents for an Office by the NAR ID of the Organization and member type.
Real Estate Member Dues Order Report – This report allows users to print dues orders that display the charge code descriptions and amounts that make up the membership total. Customers are also able to see how these fees are distributed to the NAR, State and Local associations.
Real Estate Member Roster by Firm -This report provides a listing of all members by organization/firm as of the date entered at runtime (or run date if left blank).
Real Estate Member Roster Report - This report provides a listing of all members to the entity as of the date entered at runtime (or run date if left blank)
Realtor Association Counts Report – This report provides a listing of associations with member counts broken down by member type.
Realtor Data Process Failure – This report provides a listing of all of the failed records from the data transfer process for realtors.
Realtor Members Without COE - This report lists members who have not earned a specific education credit during the date range provided.