You are here: Advanced Topics > Real Estate Associations > Reports and Queries for Real Estate Associations > MLS Office Export Report
MLS Office Export Report
This report pulls customer data from MLS for clients that interface with MLXchange. netFORUM Pro for Real Estate Association clients that use systems other than MLS can use the Query Tool to create an export for that vendor.
Report Parameters
Parameter | Description |
State Date | Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report. |
End Date | Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report. |
Report Fields
Field | Description |
Report Header | Lists the Report Name, Date the report was run, and the Customer Type for the report. |
Customer ID | Lists the customer ID associated with the account transaction. |
Customer Name | Lists the customer name associated with the account transaction and customer number. |
Balance Credits | Lists the amount of the balance credit. |
Grand Total | Provides a total of the gift amount and balance. |
Report Footer | List the current page of the total number of pages. |