You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Administration > Online Store Setup > Re-Sending Purchase Confirmations

Re-Sending Purchase Confirmations

You can re-send a purchase confirmation e-mail message to a customer at their Primary e-mail address.

To re-send a purchase confirmation:

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly-out menu, click Accounting. The Accounting Overview page will appear.
  2. Expand the Financials group item and click Find Confirmation.
  3. Enter search criteria to find the purchase confirmation on the Find—Confirmation page. Enter the wild card character, %, to select from a list of all available confirmations.
  4. Click Go. The List—Confirmation page will open displaying a list of confirmations matching your search criteria.
  5. Click the GoTo arrow to go to the desired Confirmation Profile.

  1. On the Confirmation Profile, click the View/Re-send E-Mail hyperlink.

  1. In the Confirmation Email HTML Message window, click the Re-send E-mail hyperlink to re-send the confirmation e-mail.

  1. Click Close. The confirmation e-mail message is immediately sent to the Primary e-mail address on the customer's profile.
E-mail confirmations may be purged on an annual basis due to netFORUM Pro database protocol.

When a purchase confirmation is re-sent, the e-mail recipient receives an e-mail confirmation message followed by a copy of the order confirmation detail. The name of your company's netFORUM Pro site also appears under the e-mail confirmation message, above the order confirmation detail.

If custom confirmation headers have been created, these will appear in the e-mail. For more details on purchase confirmation headers and how to create custom headers, please see the help topic: Setting Up Confirmation Headers.

If an additional e-mail address was entered when the original order confirmation was sent, these will not be included when you re-send the confirmation from the Accounting module. Only the primary e-mail address of the recipient will be used.